将C视作一个10行1列的向量,设置为C(1,1)=1,C(2,1)=5,C(3,1)=19,……,C(10,1)=25.然后写for循环:for i=1:n C(i,1)=C(i,1)+5 end i=1:10;C(i)原问题不是很懂!
for是循环,i=1:10表示从1到10进行10次循环。后面x(:,:,i),表示x是一个三维矩阵,:的意思是这一维度的所有数据,所以x(:,:,i)表示在第三维度是i的情况下所有的行和列的值(是一个二维矩阵),右边等于[0 1](1×2的矩阵),就是让所有的第三维度下的行列都为[0 1]
Deep Learning Data preparation, design, simulation, and deployment for deep neural networks Image Processing and Computer Vision Acquire, process, and analyze images and video for algorithm development and system design Predictive Maintenance Develop and deploy condition monitoring and predictive maintenance ...
for i=1:10; if x(i)>10; y(1)=y(1)+x(i); end;end;y(2)=y(1).^0.5;例:x=[12,8,9,85,62,3,75,4,23,7];Sumbiggerthanten(x)ans = 257.0000 16.0312 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 特别推荐 热点考点 2022年高考真题试卷汇总 2022年高中期中试卷汇总 2022年高中期末...
Products Solutions Learn Company Help Center Get MATLAB Sign In MATLAB for Artificial Intelligence Design AI models and AI-driven systems Explore AI solutions Panel Navigation Analyze data, develop algorithms, and create mathematical models Explore MATLAB Panel Navigation Run simulations, generate cod...
用matlab设计程序如下:for i=1:10 sum=1;for j=1:i sum=sum*j;end sum end 运行结果显示,1到10的阶乘分别是: 1、2、 6、 24、120、 720、5040、40320、362880 、3628800。运行结果如图:
方法一:图像I是个矩阵,划分为子区域就是按一定规律取矩阵的对应行列。例如I 100*100矩阵,10*10个子区域为:则其 第一块为:(1:10,1:10) 子区域编号为(1,1)第二块为:(11:20,1:10) 子区域编号为(2,1)以此类推:可以通过循环来实现:for i=1:10;for j=1:10;eval(['I' ...
1、A file containing a series of MATLAB commands(一个包含系列指令的文件) 2、Pretty much like a C/C++ program(与C/C++程式语言相似) 3、Scripts need to be save to a <file>.m file before they can run(在执行前需要保存为脚本文件) 练习 for i=1:10 x = linspace(0,10,101); plot(x,si...
I = I(10+[1:256],222+[1:256],:);%选定图像的范围 figure(1); imshow(I);%显示原图像 title('Original Image'); LEN = 31; THETA = 11; PSF = fspecial('motion',LEN,THETA);%产生运动模糊函数 blurred = imfilter(I,PSF,'circular','conv');%产生运动模糊图像 ...
often suffer from severe ringing between the data points. Always plot your data. Think about the model you will be building. Then plot the resulting model. Use your eyes to validate the result, more so than simply looking at an r-squared coefficient (although I do return that parameter too...