MATLAB的变量名字跟许多程序语言一样,严格区分大小写,而且变量名字必须以字母开头。 变量由赋值运算符=定义,MATLAB是动态检查的,意味着变量可以在未定义类型的情况下赋值而且变量的类型可以改变。 向量和矩阵 一个向量(vector)指的是一维(1×N或N×1)矩阵,在其他语言中通常被叫做数组(array)。矩阵(matrix)通常指的...
数组索引和切片: 在 MATLAB 中,可以使用索引和切片操作来访问数组中的元素。 vector = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; element = vector(3); % 3 subvector = vector(2:4); % [2, 3, 4] 变量转换: MATLAB 提供了各种函数来进行不同类型之间的数据转换,如 str2double、num2str 等。 str = '10'; num = s...
向量(vector):是指1 × n 1\times n1×n或n × 1 n\times 1n×1的矩阵,即为只有一行或一列的矩阵 矩阵(matrix):是一个矩形的m × n m\times nm×n数组,即二维数组 数组(array):是指多维数组m × n × k × … m\times n\times k\times \dotsm×n×k×…,矩阵和向量都是数组的特例 ...
Function_Filename 是函数所对应的M文件的名称或MATLAB内部函数的名称 @是句柄创建操作符 Function_Filename 变量保存了函数句柄,并在后续的运算中作为数据流进行传递 调用 通过函数句柄调用函数,需指定函数的输入参数, Function_Handle(arg1, arg2, ... , argn) 若没有参数,直接跟圆括号,Function_Handle() 5. ...
function y = mean(x,dim,flag,flag2) % function keyword % y output % mean function name % x input % comment %MEAN Average or mean value. % S = MEAN(X) is the mean value of the elements in X if X is a vector. % For matrices, S is a row vector containing the mean value of...
R = SLIDEFUN(FUN, W, V) evaluates the function FUN to a moving window of W consecutive elements of the vector V. The function FUN is specified by a function handle or a function name and should return a scalar for a vector input. W specifies the size of the window and should be a...
The MatLab functions, sub2ind() and ind2sub(), translate between two “subscripts”, i and j, and a vector “index”, k, such that A(i,j)=A(k). The reshape() function can reorganize any N× M matrix into a K× L matrix, as long as NM = KL. Thus, for example, a 4 × 4...
Because that's what your function do, the result is always 0, it's independent of your inputs
function_handle with value: @(x,in2)tanh(sqrt(x.^2+in2(:,1).^2.*3.0+in2(:,2).^2.*5.0)) Generate a File You can generate a file from a symbolic expression, in addition to a function handle. Specify the file name using thefileoption. Pass a character vector containing the file...