Warning: Unable to find symbolic solution. xSol(t) = simplify(xSol(t)); ySol(t) = simplify(ySol(t)); zSol(t) = simplify(zSol(t)); wSol(t) = simplify(wSol(t)); cond1 = x(0) == 0; cond2 = y(0) == 0.11; cond3 = z(0) == 0.11; ...
You don't miss anything - your equation is just too complicated to have an analytical solution.
Unless N1 happens to be A, K, or 0. So three specific constant solutions do exist. Just not a general solution for any value of N1. 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 카테고리 Mathematics and OptimizationSymbolic Math Tool...
hi. i'm trying to create a simutation program for a refrigerator and i'm having problems. i'm trying to solve the differntioal equations below but MATLAB returns me an error [empty sym] "Warning: unable to find symbolic solution". if i have anything wrong in the equati...
% Warning: Unable to find symbolic solution. S = dsolve(odes, conds); If I use the following line instead, I get an extra error. ThemeCopy % Warning: Unable to find symbolic solution. % Error using sym/subsindex (line 853) % Invalid indexing or function definition. Indexing must fol...
syms y1(x) y2(x) a b eqn1 = diff(y1) == a-(b+1)*y1+y1^2*y2; eqn2 = diff(y2) == b*y1 - y1^2*y2; dsolve(eqn1,eqn2) % 警告: Unable to find symbolic solution. 比较复杂的方程无法求出解析解,此时需要寻求数值解
警告: Unable to find explicit solution. Returning implicit solution instead. > In dsolve (line 208) In Untitled (line 10) 当我加上'0.23'这个参数时,反而报错不能运行了,运行结果如下 错误使用 mupadengine/feval (line 195) Invalid equations. ...
警告: Unable to find symbolic solution. >位置:dsolve (第209行) 位置: freexyn67 (第8行) ans = [ empty sym ] %3使用ode45数值解法 tspan=[0 10]; y0=0; opts=odeset('reltol',1e-2,'abstol',1e-4); [x,y]=ode45(@ode,tspan,y0,opts); ...
警告: Unable to find symbolic solution.> 位置:dsolve (第 209 行)位置: freexyn67 (第 8 行)...
Warning: Unable tofind explicit solution. For options, seehelp. > In sym/solve (line 317) InUntitled (line 9) c = Emptysym: 0-by-1 NewCode: clc, clear, closeall s=13; sa=sqrt(s+1); symsL k a=.1*L; M=[(-sin(k*a)) (sin(k*sa*a)) (cos(k*sa*a));...