Acute creatine supplementation and performance during a field test simulating match play in elite female soccer players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Metabolism, 12: 33-46.Cox G, Mujika I, Tumilty D, et al. Acute creatine supplementa- tion and performance during a field test ...
Thus, acute beetroot juice supplementation seems an ergogenic aid with little value to enhance physical performance in professional tennis players.doi:10.1080/07315724.2020.1835585Valentín E Fernández-ElíasJavier Courel IbáezAlberto Pérez López
Acoustic Analysis of Soccer Fans in Acute Phonotrauma After the MatchMehmet Ozgur Pinarbasli *Ercan Kaya *Erkan Ozudogru *Melek Kezban Gurbuz *Ertugrul ColakMehmet Akif Aksoy *Leman BirdaneFatma Ozgur Guney *
Barry L. SharafAmerican College of CardiologyPeter H. StoneAmerican College of CardiologyJournal of the American College of CardiologyWilliams DO, Thompson B, Braunwald E, Knatterud GL, Sharak BL, Stone PH. Contemporary PTCA for acute coronary ischemia: results in women match those of men [...
RESULTS: The ratio of moderate speed running workload (18-24km/h) in the previous 3days (acute time window) compared with the previous 21days (chronic time window) best explained the injury likelihood in matches (R 2 =0.79) and in the immediate 2 or 5days following matches (R 2 =...
The results of the biopsies were as follows: acute allograft rejection (n = 32); hepatitis C virus (HCV) reinfection (n=18); cytomegalovirus infection (n=5); acute rejection plus HCV reinfection (n=3); and stable graft function (n=30); and after treatment of acute reje...
Ruiz, P, Carreno, M, Weppler, D, Gomez, C, Island, E, Selvaggi, G, Nishida, S, Moon, J, Levi, D, Tekin, A, Tryphonopoulos, P, Tzakis, AG (2010) Immediate antibody-mediated (hyperacute) rejection in small-bowel transplantation and relationship to cross-match status and donor-...
Consider a coin-tossing sequence, i.e., a sequence of independent variables, taking values 0 and 1 with probability 1/2. The famous Erdős-Rényi law of large numbers implies that the longest run of ones in the first n observations has a length Rn that
The dismal outcome in patients with acute leukaemia who relapse after an autograft is improved if a second autograft or a matched allograft is per- formed. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2000;25:1053-1058.Ringden O, Labopin M, Gorin NC, et al. The dismal out- come in patients with acute ...
Jan S,Robert D,Anna K, et al. Role of HLA match on results of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations from unrelated donors in children with acute leukemia and bone marrow failure syndromes. Acta Haematologica Polonica. 2017;48(1): 48-53....