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PURPOSE:To remove water in a short time at the time of bake-out by finishing a flow control part of a flow control member to have a specular surface and also by setting the maximum flow rate at the time of non-control of the flow control member to be much larger than the maximum ...
MASS-VIEW gas flow meters are a digital alternative to the conventional VA Meters, complete with digital bar graph for actual gas flow ✔Order online!
We are using new applications of digital technology to improve thermal mass flow sensors, mass flow meter designs and precision mass flow controller performance. As industry leaders, we continually launch new products and enhance our existing portfolio, including proven elastomer sealed, metal sealed,...
MKP质量流量控制器(Mass Flow Controller) PSC-D245 ¥ 10000.00 集成电路IC芯片温度冲击测试机 高低温循环冲击机 TA-3000维修 ¥ 8888.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 量程范围:: 5-1500sccm 流量测定范围:: 2%-100%满量程 重复性:: ≤±0.2%满量程 密封材料:: Vtion,Kalrez,PTFE等(可...
Mass Flow Controller说明书 SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: ±1% FS including linearity at calibration conditions, ±1.5% FS including linearity for flow ranges greater than 20 SLM Repeatability: ±0.25% of rate Response Time: <3 second response to within 2% FS final value with a 0 to 100% ...