Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink tells that story. The hour-long documentary, airing on the Smithsonian Channel, explores the causes of two of Earth's five mass extinctions: the dinosaurs' demise and the "Great Dying." That long-ago extinction, roughly 252 million years ago, saw as many...
"It's the ultimate destiny of every species to go extinct," said Anthony Barnosky, a paleontologist at the University of California, Berkeley. Barnosky is one of the scientists featured in a new Smithsonian Channel special called "Mass Extinction: Life At The Brink," premiering Sunday (Nov. ...
The problem with this graph is that before 500 years ago, extinction rates are approximated from studying fossils, which is a notoriously unreliable method of measuring extinction rates. As explained in the textbookBiodiversity and Environmental Philosophy, the “benchmark for assessing the severity of...
Humans have already wiped out hundreds of species and pushed many more to the brink of extinction through wildlife trade, pollution, habitat loss and the use of toxic substances. But the findings published in the scientific journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS) show that the...
D The sixth mass extinction is not a worry for the future. It's happening now, much faster than previously expected, and it's entirely our fault, according to a study published Monday.Humans have already wiped out hundreds of species and pushed many more to the brink of extinction through...
Although a majority of biologists are convinced that a mass extinction is underway on earth today, the human history with direct observatory data is too short to predict its future trends. At least five mass extinctions occurred during the Phanerozoic Eon, causing the rapid extinction of at least...
A new study in PNAS highlights the mass extinction we are currently undergoing and how losing species would devastate entire ecosystems and upend human life as well. The researchers emphasize the need for immediate action that includes designating any species with populations less than 5,000 as “...
Some of the really hard conversations around climate change in the future are going to be with communities who will need to relocate or will lose their way of life because of climate impacts. These discussions are both really important and really difficult – we should be planning for that. ...
With the steep decline in populations of many animal species, from frogs and fish to tigers, some scientists have warned that Earth is on the brink of a mass extinction like those that occurred only five times before during the past 540 million years. Ea
The mass extinction at the Permian-Triassic boundary, 251 million years (Myr) ago, is accepted as the most profound loss of life on record. Global data com... MJ Benton,VP Tverdokhlebov,MV Surkov - 《Nature》 被引量: 975发表: 2004年 Carbon-isotope stratigraphy across the Permian–Trias...