—and its star, angelina jolie, is feeling reflective. “i met pablo many years ago and told him how much i respected him as a filmmaker and hoped to work with him one day,” jolie tells vogue of how she decided to take on this once-in-a-lifetime role. “to be asked to play ...
Actress Angelina Jolie, starring in the new feature “Maria”, directed by Pablo Larraín, opening November 27, 2024 in theaters, followed by streaming December 11, 2024 on Netflix, poses for the latest issue of “The Hollywood Reporter”, wearing Jean Carol photographed by Blair Getz Mezibov:...
Jolie, who recentlyreached a divorce settlementwith actor Brad Pitt, has previously said: "To be very candid, it was the therapy I didn't realise I needed. I had no idea how much I was holding in and not letting out. Angelina Jolie reveals what she would like her legacy to be "So,...
Angelina Jolie 主演的影片 <Maria> 昨晚正式在#威尼斯电影节# 举办世界首映礼。朱莉选择 Tamara Ralph 特别定制香槟色长裙搭配 Cartier 古董珠宝登场。环保皮草点缀,优雅且复古。一抹明艳红唇尤其动人——新近签约 TOM FORD 美妆的她,这无疑是最优秀的示范参考✨💄剑指颁奖季,<Maria> 后续的整个宣传期,势必将是...
Angelina Jolie attended a screening of her new film 'Maria' in London, where she wore a black velvet suit.
在电影《Maria》中,我们不仅见证了歌剧演唱家玛丽亚·卡拉斯(Maria Callas)的晚年岁月,还领略了她那令人瞩目的珠宝收藏。其中,一件Cartier藏级美洲豹胸针尤为引人注目。安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)在片中佩戴了这枚珠宝,展现了女性力量的永恒魅力。这枚美洲豹胸针的设计独具匠心,融入了东方的玉石元素,以抽象的线条...
安吉丽娜朱莉[超话] angelinajolie[超话]AngelinaJolieUpdate 4.4万粉丝 · 超话主持人(安吉丽娜朱莉超话) 关注 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊已经有人放出了《玛丽亚》一小片段 #安吉丽娜朱莉[超话]# #AngelinaJolie[超话]# 22条评论 同时转发评论 快来发表你的评论吧 ...
现年38岁的达明·乔伊·伦道夫告诉IndieWire,Pablo Larraín执导、Angelina Jolie领衔的《Maria》为歌剧传记片的制作打开了新局面,她已经准备好将蕾昂泰茵·普莱斯Leontyne Price的故事搬上大银幕。“我是一个受过古典训练的歌剧演员,我想拍一部歌剧演员的传记片。” 来自Android客户端12楼2024-09-24 11:23 收起回复 ...
《玛丽亚》由安吉丽娜·朱莉(《古墓丽影》《换子疑云》《史密斯夫妇》)领衔主演、帕布罗·拉雷恩(《智利说不》《Jackie》《Spencer》)执导,已于2024年“水城”国际电影节全球首映。朱莉饰演传奇女高音歌唱家Maria Callas,她为此进行了6个月的声乐训练。这也是导演帕布罗·拉雷恩在《Jackie》《Spencer》之后,第三部女性...
Angelina Jolie portrays legendary opera singer Maria Callas in the movie, "Maria." Pablo Larrain Jolie added that she's "never had a set where my family is not allowed to be there." The actress, who described playing Callas in the Larraín-directed film as "intense," appreciated that Madd...