Marc Jacobs在2002年推出首支同名男香,甫上市便受到全球年轻上班族的青睞,在2003年度荣获国际香水协会最高荣誉FiFi Award的年度最佳男香及最佳包装设计的肯定!同名男香将MJ对古典神秘、不爱出风头的喜好,融入了第一支男香的设计中,这款以无花果为主题的男香,由调香师Steve de Mercado亲手捉刀设计,表现出纯洁、简单...
MARC JACOBS Marc Jacobs有同名设计师在1986年美国设立,主营女装、男装、童装、眼镜、香水、美妆。Marc Jacobs的设计哲学中,更多的将品牌服饰演变成 “浪人时尚”的艺术品,将纽约的动力与巴黎的时尚相融合,让Marc Jacobs服装保有一贯的休闲风格。2007年秋冬季, Marc Jacobs针对年轻消费者创建的副线品牌Marc by Marc...
美国亚马逊 Marc by Marc Jacobs Men's MJ Sweatshirt: Clothing历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Marc by Marc Jacobs Men's MJ Sweatshirt: Clothing
MARC JACOBS Marc Jacobs有同名设计师在1986年美国设立,主营女装、男装、童装、眼镜、香水、美妆。Marc Jacobs的设计哲学中,更多的将品牌服饰演变成 “浪人时尚”的艺术品,将纽约的动力与巴黎的时尚相融合,让Marc Jacobs服装保有一贯的休闲风格。2007年秋冬季, Marc Jacobs针对年轻消费者创建的副线品牌Marc by Marc...
0结果 Best Sellers The Leather Mini Bag +8 Sale price:CN¥ 2,000.00 The Snapshot DTM +1 Sale price:CN¥ 3,300.00 The Leather Mini Bag +8 Sale price:CN¥ 2,000.00 The Canvas Medium Tote Bag +6 Sale price:CN¥ 2,000.00
HARRY BRANT: What do you think is primarily responsible for the stigma against men’s makeup? MARC JACOBS: It’s a very interesting origin, and I think the stigma comes from going against what human nature is. It is human to adorn oneself. After all, spectacular male display has always ...
In the '90s, self-proclaimed feministKurt Cobainwore Courtney Love’s dresses on stage. ThenMarc Jacobstook a shine to the skirt-and-button-up combo. And recently,Seth Meyerstook the stage at the CFDAs in Comme des Garcons. So, we have to ask — why not?Avant garde, unconventional, or...
You know that he can't stay in the room. Marc by Marc Jacobs looks for male model Cole Mohr to wear new clothes for autumn and winter. Yes, women's clothing! The woolen coat and purple women's bag, with their feet wide open to show slender men's legs, and cover the key parts ...
Marc Jacobs Men’s Spring 2017Courtesy Photo Keith, Mick, Sebastian, Robert and Marc. They all figured in another spirited Marc Jacobs men’s collection, whose verve came through even on racks in the sleepy Milan showroom of Staff International. ...
路易威登ObjetsNomades旅行家居全新发布 周宸宸设计的 Signature扶手椅与沙发 从巴黎到上海 光廷Temple of Light携手Danny Rose中国首展亮相北外滩 唤醒Z世代国风DNA,Soul App X 河南博物院“国风雅·遇知音”活动正式落幕 专注冬季室内空气健康,防止“二次污染”,戴森助力健康家居生活 ...