Following the titular Onodera Punpun, Goodnight Punpun spans nearly twenty years of an ordinary boy’s life. However, don’t let the “safe” premise or the charming representation of Punpun and his family as cartoon birds fool you: this is no cozy, feel-good comic. Purposefully designed to...
Principally, 20th Century Boys concerns a group of friends and how the club those friends formed as children in 1970 somehow laid seed for a cult that would try to take over the world. Twenty-five years later, a virus that causes the human body to expel its blood is released and the Fr...
The series was adapted into a twenty-five episode anime series, Kenpū Denki Berserk (ベルセルク剣風伝奇 Beruseruku Kenpū Denki?), by Oriental Light and Magic. It debuted in Japan on October 7, 1997, on Nippon Television; the final episode aired on March 31, 1998. It covered the fi...
SEAN:There’s also a mature Seven Seas BL title,Leave the Sacrifice at the Gate(Ikenie Monzenbarai), which runs in Byō de Wakaru BL. A boy who is doomed to be a sacrifice is rather unnerved when he finds that the god who’s supposed to eat him just wants to take it easy instead...
Twenty-Fifth Bam is a young boy who has been trapped underneath a mysterious tower his entire life. Living in a cave all alone, his only friend is the girl that comes to visit him, Rachel. When Bam goes searching for her one day, he is able to find a door that leads him into the...
Not crops, he says, “corn”, but he is plainly impressed. But this is how I have been reading Chinese for twenty years. It wouldn’t be the first time I had to deduce meaning from a sentence with only two reference points.
Twenty-five hundred years ago, in his youth, Buddha (Shakyamuni) had the same nagging questions that we do today. He never avoided them or gave up the search for answers, but devoted himself earnestly to discovering the meaning of life. That search is the starting point of Buddhism. ...
Further adding to the dynamism of the work is the fact that at twenty years old, Amir is viewed by her society as an old maid and there is no small concern that Karluk may have been slighted by being given a wife who will likely bear him few children. Amir, therefore, is eager to...
At the age of twenty, Jeong Hee-jae, who is still a high school senior due to his stepfather's gambling debts, escapes to a remote island in Namhae, where his grandmother lives, as threats from debt collectors intensify. On this island without intern Chapter 276 Peachy Lover ( My Little...
an alcoholic advertising executive imprisoned in a hotel room for twenty years manipulated into going on a murderous rampage as soon as he’s released, plays things so safe as to be almost boring, especially in comparison to the earlier film. Lee’sOldboyisn’tawful, but it’s not enough ...