1主题语境:weight语篇类型:记叙文│词数:265 │难度:★★☆☆☆│建议用时:6 分钟 正确率:/4 A man ate nothing but McDonald's for 30 days and managed to 8.Why did Williams eat McDonald's lose weight, but experts do not recommend trying a similar"diet". for 30 days? Ryan Williams, 29...
2.Following in the footsteps of Morgan Spurlock.who ate only McDonald's food for one month in the film Super Size Me.an Australian man has undergone a sugar-heavy diet for 60days to explore sugar's impact on his health.Within three weeks.the formerly h
Sunday Mirror (London, England)
"I mean, who has an hour and a half spare to have lunch these days? Do you? Do I?"Sanai, Dariussocial science electronic publishing