mysqldump -h"$DBHOST" -u"$DBUSER" -p"$DBPASSWORD" --databases "$DBNAME" > "$DUMP_FILE" # Datei prüfen check_file "$DUMP_FILE" echo "✅ Dump abgeschlossen!" exit 0 🐘 3️⃣ run_dump.php –PHP-Skript zum Aufruf Speichere diese Datei als run_dump.php im selben Verzeichnis...
A timeline of the U.S. Civil War printed in 1897 Hidden Doors, Secret Rooms, and the Hardware that makes it possible /purpose Units of Measure Units of Measure Wringing out Water in Space A Place at the Table for UX TowTruck Cuts of Beef Outdoor Grill Station for Green Egg Villa...
The number of women who are purchasing hunting licenses is going up across the nation. According to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study,it’s the fastest-growing demographic in hunting. In Louisiana, however, the number of women who are purchasing hunting licensees is going down. According...
Import recent item sets from popular aggregators like in to League of Legends to use within game! No hassle. - Championify/tests/sources/fixtures/opgg/responses/ahri_statistics.html at master · dustinblackman/Championify
The first component is the property name, and the second component is the particular value of the property to match against, for example, '\p{Script: Greek}' or '\p{Script=Greek}' both mean to match characters whose Script property is Greek. Single forms, like '\p{Greek}', are ...
Hunting may be on the decline across America, but in Florida, hunters are keeping an over 100-year-old hunting tradition alive. Since 1907, St. Vincent Island has been used as a “wildlife emporium,” according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For three days every fall,hunters des...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development...
Hunting may be on the decline across America, but in Florida, hunters are keeping an over 100-year-old hunting tradition alive. Since 1907, St. Vincent Island has been used as a “wildlife emporium,” according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For three days every fall,hunters des...
031: * U.S. short form 032: */033: | month '/' day '/' year { date($1, $3, $5); }034: 035: /* 036: * European short form 037: */038: | day '.' month '.' year { date($3, $1, $5); }039: ;040: 041: day 042: : NUMBER043: ;044: 045: month 046: : ...
“I am site X, and Jim trusts me”. This is an obstacle to a web-of-trust model, because it is wasteful of bandwidth to say “I am site X, and Jim, Mary, and 105,039 other people all trust me” on each presentation of the certificate. Wouldn’t it be ‘better’ (from a ...