^Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model ^VMamba: Visual State Space Model ^LocalMamba: Visual State Space Model with Windowed Selective Scan ^Plainmamba: Improving non-hierarchical mamba in visual recognition ^A ConvNet for the 2020s ^Scaling Up Y...
这一说法还可以通过观察得到证实,即BERT和ViT(BEiT和MAE)更多地用于理解任务,而不是GPT-1/2和图像GPT。因此,视觉感知任务不需要因果token混合模式。 4. Mambe对视觉感知任务的必要性 a. 在ImageNet上进行图像分类时,没有必要引入SSM,因为这项任务不符合长序列任务和因果token混合。 b. 尽管没有满足长序列,但考...
论文名称:MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? (Arxiv 2024.05) 论文地址: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.07992 代码链接: http://github.com/yuweihao/MambaOut 1.1 在视觉任务中,我们真的需要 Mamba 吗? 近年来,Transformer[1]已经成为...
参考文献 MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? yuweihao/MambaOut 王牌飞行员申请出战!- MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?项目贡献人 Lerbron 关注 ...共10个徽章 54.2k 项目热度 2.0k 被Fork数 5.3k 数据集引用相关项目查看更多...
记笔记 MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.07992 https://github.com/yuweihao/MambaOut What can I say, Mamba out!大家好,今天给大家看一篇论文,致敬传奇球星科比布莱恩特,作者对Mamba在视觉任务中的应用提出了质疑,作者认为Vision Mamba不适合用于图像分类任务,于是作...
论文名称:MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? (Arxiv 2024.05) 论文地址:http://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.07992 代码链接:http://github.com/yuweihao/MambaOut 1.1 在视觉任务中,我们真的需要 Mamba 吗? 近年来,Transformer[1]已经成为各种任务的主流骨干,支持 BERT、GPT 系列和 ViT 等突出模型。然...
MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? In memory of Kobe Bryant "What can I say, Mamba out." — Kobe Bryant, NBA farewell speech, 2016 Image credit: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/264973452480 This is a PyTorch implementation of MambaOut proposed by our paper "MambaOut: Do We ...
Mamba, an architecture with RNN-like token mixer of state space model (SSM), was recently introduced to address the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism and subsequently applied to vision tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of Mamba for vision is often underwhelming when compared with con...
MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision? In memory of Kobe Bryant "What can I say, Mamba out." — Kobe Bryant, NBA farewell speech, 2016 Image credit: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/264973452480 This is a PyTorch implementation of MambaOut proposed by our paper "MambaOut: Do We ...
Mamba, an architecture with RNN-like token mixer of state space model (SSM), was recently introduced to address the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism and subsequently applied to vision tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of Mamba for vision is often underwhelming when compared with ...