“malignant”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 形容词 a. 1. 有恶意的,邪恶的 a malignant nature 邪恶的本性 2. 极有害的 3. 【医】恶性的,致命的 A cancer is a malignant growth. 癌是一种恶性赘生物。 名词n. 1. 不满者[C]...
汉语翻译 malignant基本解释 形容词恶性的,致命的; 恶意的,恶毒的 名词怀有恶意的人; 保王党员 malignant反义词 形容词benign malignant同义词 形容词lethalkillingdestructiveharmfulfataldeadlymortal malignant相关例句 形容词 1. A cancer is amalignantgrowth. ...
Prostate cancer is considered a malignant tumor because it is a mass of cells that can invade other parts of the body.en.wikipedia.org Maybe followed by the development of a malignant neoplasm.en.wikipedia.org It is discouraged now since it can bring dangerous side effects such as neuroleptic...
Cancer can be considered a very large and exceptionally heterogeneous family of malignant diseases, with squamous cell carcinomas comprising one of the largest subsets. 癌症通常被视为可转移性疾病中一个最大的异常异构家族,而鳞状细胞癌则是其中的一个最大子类。 LASER-wikipedia2 Depending upon the ...
网络癌是一种恶性肿瘤 网络释义 1. 癌是一种恶性肿瘤 专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典... ... 一次一至二片 1-2 tablets each time癌是一种恶性肿瘤A cancer is malignant tumou… www.juyy.net|基于 1 个网页
例句:The vicious cancer quickly spread throughout his body. 中文:这种恶性的癌症迅速扩散到他的全身。 'Harmful':指对某人或某物有害的,常用于更广泛的语境。 例句:The harmful effects of smoking are well known. 中文:吸烟的有害影响是众所周知的。 'Deadly':意味着致命的或极具破坏力的,常用于形容...
Malignant neoplasm of breast was the dominant type of cancer in women throughout the period 2010-2012. 2010-2012年期间,乳腺恶性肿瘤是影响妇女的最主要一类癌症。 UN-2 Malignant tracheal and lungs tumour 恶性气管和肺部肿瘤 UN-2 To a great extent, the cancer experts are caught between ...
8.malignantmesothelioma恶性间皮瘤;恶性间皮细胞瘤;恶性间皮癌 9.Malignantedema恶性水肿;恶性浮肿 10.malignantmeningioma恶性脑膜瘤 用法例句 1. She developed amalignantbreast tumour. 她得了恶性乳腺瘤。 2. A cancer is amalignanttumour. 癌是一种恶性瘤。
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors, fifth edition (1997). Union Internationale Contre le Cancer and the American Joint Committee... Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid population pharmacokinetics of temozolomide in malignant glioma patients Lack of effect of long-term supplementation with beta carotene on ...