There are 3 ways to use JKDM HS Code Explorer: Get Product Description: Find product description using HS code. Find Product HS Code: Search for the HS code of a product. Check Applied Tariff: Determine if a special FTA tariff applies to a product. 1. Get Product Description To st...
Is HS Code the same for all countries? Is HS code required on commercial invoice? What are the consequences of improper HS code use? What is the purpose of HS code in import and export? What will happen if DHL Express Malaysia have cleared using a wrong HS Code? Is the customer still...
关键词palmitic acid海关编码HS CODE 3823 1990件数1000 长度480高度108 宽度96装箱状态Loaded 密封条FJ20924535设备描述CN 类型40 Foot General Purpose Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space服务类型House to House 集装箱类型40 Foot General Purpose Container, Passive vents at upper part of ...
关键词pdty 300d/72f/4 wil sd海关编码HS CODE 5402 3300件数40 长度480高度114 宽度98装箱状态Loaded 密封条MY0005533设备描述G0 类型40 Foot Bulk Container, Closed服务类型Container Yard 集装箱类型40 Foot Bulk Container, Closed,40 Foot Bulk Container, Closed,40 Foot Bulk Container, Closed唛头N/M,...
巴生港是马来西亚的主要港口之一,是东南亚线(298)重要的枢纽。 巴生港(PORT KELANG)是马来西亚商港。巴生港(PORT KELANG)位于该国首都吉隆坡西南43公里,马六甲海峡之东北岸,东距邻国的新加坡港211海里,北距槟城港191海里,西距印尼的勿拉湾港237海里;有国际机场。巴生港(PORT KELANG)港区在巴生河口以北,沿海岸南...
In this study, the thermal sensation vote (TSV), the ASHRAE seven-point scale [47], humidity sensation (HS) [48], and the air movement vote (AMV) [49] were the scales used, as shown in Table 3. Additionally, the Nicol five-point scale [42,43] was used to assess thermal preference...
HS Code Navigation :1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13 HS Keyword Navigation :A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| G| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z Important Notice: All the information, data and documents are provided by ETCN...
ISUZU HICOM MALAYSIA SDN ,位于马来西亚,主要贸易地包括等地,贸易商品HS海关编码包括等。寻迹数据为你提供该公司的联系方式(包括邮箱、地址、网址等)及详细贸易信息。
[oocl] 390/ 350--- 2023-08-25 [oocl] 390/ 350--- 2023-08-17 [MSC] 350/ 578--- 2023-07-27 [MCC] 300/ 350--- 2023-07-25 [MCC] 370/ 445--- 2023-07-18 [MCC] 370/ 445--- 2023-07-11 [oocl] 390/ 350--- 2023-07-04 [EMC] 450/ 450--- 2023-06-21 ...
HS Code Navigation :1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13 HS Keyword Navigation :A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| G| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z Important Notice: All the information, data and documents are provided by ETCN...