Discover SketchReplicator+ support Meet the MakerBot Sketch 3D printer Access 600+ lesson plans across all grade levels & subjects Lower the curriculum planning barrier with over 600 lesson plans made by educators all across the country. Learn more ...
MakerBot Replicator Z18是一款先进的工业级3D打印机,专为大尺寸的打印需求设计。其构建体积为30.5 x 30.5 x 45.7 cm,适合制作大规模原型和复杂的零部件。该打印机采用第五代Smart Extruder+挤出技术,确保打印过程中的高精度和可靠性。Z18还配备了全彩触摸屏、Wi-Fi连接和内置摄像头,方便用户实时监控打印进程。其...
文章摘要确保您的MakerBot Replicator打印机与计算机通过USB稳定连接,并安装最新驱动程序。通过控制面板添加打印机,安装驱动程序并设置为默认打印机,即可完成连接。 MakerBot Replicator (五代通用型) 3D打印机是一款高性能桌面3D打印设备,适用于各种创客、教育机构和专业设计师。它配备了智能挤出器,可以自动检测材料并进行...
The MakerBot Replicator Z18 combines a large build volume with speed and reliability that allows for the production of extra-large and all models and prototypes. The inclusion of the MakerBot Smart Extruder+ produces high quality consistent pieces, and i
Makerbot Smart Extruder+ 3D printer extruder-5th Generation Z18 Replicator 3D MP07376 $249.00 current price $249.00 Makerbot Smart Extruder+ 3D printer extruder-5th Generation Z18 Replicator 3D MP07376 MakerBot 3D Printer Build Plate 2 pack 9000062A ...
MakerBot公司是Stratasys公司旗下全球领先的生产桌面级3D打印机的公司。MakerBot 2是MakerBot公司推出的一款单喷头产品,该款产品具有以下特点: 1、简洁开放式设计,可以直视打印过程; 2、干净、无废料的构建方式; 3、便携式好,在任何地方都可以工作; 4、支持SD卡直接打印,可以在无PC环境下独立工作,使用十分方便; 5...
Makerbot公司今天在CES(Consumer Electronic Show)展会上发布了Replicator 2X Experimental 3D printer。这个机器感觉上象是他们前一款Replicator 2的提速版。Replicator 2X主要迎合了研发部门的口味。它具有双喷头,使用类似基于石油的热塑ABS塑料。 Replicator 2X针对ABS塑料,重新设计了加热平台和热感知范围。同时喷头也重新设...
3D打印机MakerBotReplicator+高精度大尺寸整机家用FDM立体桌面 北京艾科恒通科技发展有限公司6年 北京 ¥0.10成交0笔 16949认证工厂3d打印机配件挤出机打印头Makerbotmk8尖头喷嘴打 宁波江北博森机械有限公司17年 宁波市 ¥2.08成交2笔 3D打印机Makerbot配件 挤出机 小散热风扇 12V 4010 ...
There are over 13,000 MakerBot Desktop 3D Printers in use by engineers, designers, researchers, and people who just like to make things. The MakerBot Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer, MakerBot’s fourth-generation machine, sets a new standard for the company in resolution, build volume, ...
MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer wins Red Dot 2015 Design AwardMakerBot news release