网络是某事成为当务之急 网络释义 1. 是某事成为当务之急 环保话题常用英语... ... 40、是某事成为当务之急make something a top priority1,对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health ...|基于60个网页
你的理解没错,make something a priority意思是把某事放在头等地位对待,或把某事看作有着头等的重要...
make something a high priority 使……优先;置于优先位置 释义: If you make something a high priority, you treat them as more important than anything or anyone else. 例句 Soaring rates of HIV infection led the Thai government to make vaccine research a high priority. GRE For-profit hospital man...
make something a high priority 使……优先;置于优先位置 释义 If you make something a high priority, you treat them as more important than anything or anyone else. 例句 Soaring rates of HIV infection led the Thai government to make vaccine research a high priority. GRE For-profit hospital manag...
a通过专家分析 Analyzes through the expert [translate] aif you really want to accomplish something, it’s up to you to do so. Make it a high priority or drop it from your list. 如果您真正地想要完成某事,它是由如此要做的您决定。 做它一特别优先权或从您的名单下降它。 [translate] ...
Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. 出自-2011年考研阅读原文 It...
aYou need to come to terms with the fact that if you really want to accomplish something, it’s up to you to do so. Make it a high priority or drop it from your list. 您需要与事实达成协议,如果您真正地想要完成某事,它是由您决定如此做。 做它一特别优先权或从您的名单下降它。[translate...
How to make good use of time 1、专注目标。没有目标的人生,整个人生都是浪费时间。爱默生说:用以事业上的时间,决不是浪费。只要你目标明确,专注目标,成功只是一个时间问题;2、每分每秒做最有生产力的事情。世界顶级推销大师汤姆.霍普金斯,当他生活非常潦倒的时候,他访问了一个成功人士。这个...
Do you ever find yourself feeling extremely drained from doing everything for everyone else? An entire day has gone by, and you didn't get to do one thing for yourself. Everyone around you needs something, and being MOM, well, a lot of it is on you! Or s
The dream of working from home and turning your creativity into a source of income has always been challenging to achieve. The rise of online marketplaces,