例如,中国大陆的正确表述是 Chinese mainland,不是 mainland China,后者经常见诸西方媒体,有“两国论”之嫌。钓鱼岛的英文表述是 Diaoyu Islands,不是 Senkaku Islands,南沙群岛是 Nansha Islands,不是 The Spratly Islands。台湾问题一直是对外报道的重点,台湾地区领导人选举等议题经常成为国际新闻热点。台湾问题的正确表...
《环球时报》记者8日登录德国几家大型企业网站。其中,汉莎航空全球官网在台湾栏已经加上“中国”,标注为“Taiwan, China”,繁体中文页面显示的是“中国台湾”。同时,香港栏则是“Hongkong, China”,中国大陆为“China( Mainland)”。德国汽车巨头戴姆勒集团旗下的奔驰汽车全球网站上的台湾栏,最近也被改为“Taiwan...
BEIJING, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- Shanghai-based family travel influencer Kong Tong has been following the news about mainland group tours to Taiwan in recent days. Kong hoped that she and her son would be part of the first mainland tourist group to land on Taiwan should the ban on mainland ...
吴彦祖在内地肯定有自己的经纪团队,机器翻译未免太草率了吧。 而在吴彦祖的外网社交账号上,他用英文是这样表述的:I worked in Hong Kong and China。有英文基础的朋友,想必都知道这是什么意思吧。 其实中国大陆正确的表达方式是Mainland of China或Chinese mainland。 讲真,中文翻译过来,在言语上确实有着浓浓机器翻译...
BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) -- China on Tuesday announced the approval of a bond connect program between the mainland and Hong Kong. Investors on both sides will be able to trade bonds on each other's interbank markets under the program, according to a joint statement from the People's Bank...
据印度《经济时报》报道,印度中餐连锁企业“Mainland China”创始人查特吉(Anjan Chatterjee)赶紧表示,“民众应该知道,我们是一家印度企业,供应的是印度厨师用印度食材烹饪的食物。”报道截图 另一家餐饮企业联合创始人则认为,阿塔瓦莱的言论很可笑:“我认为我们需要提醒所有人,我们生活在一个民主国家。无论我卖...
China will continue to lift restrictions on travel between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs), China's State Council Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office said on Friday, citing a document.
China will also raise its currency swap with Hong Kong to 800 billion yuan from 500 billion yuan, the PBOC said in another announcement. “Optimizing the currency swap agreement with PBOC and the management of the Renminbi flow of the Monetary Authority can ensure Hong Kong has an abundant amo...