Island retreats to get away and revitalize with Yoga and improving your diet and overall health. Set in the beautiful coast of Maine. Call to reserve today.
The left-wing Commonwealth Fund has released its annual “State Scorecard on Women’s Health and Reproductive Care,” in which Maine earned… News “Nationwide Search” Finds Longtime Government Bureaucrat to Run Failing Maine Welfare Agency
Equal Health Care for Maine Women Takes Center StageAUGUSTA, Maine -- When Fatuma Hussein first encouraged fellowSomali women in the Lewiston area...Farwell, Jackie
TH CARE IN MAINE]]>Gloria Negri, Globe Staff
He keeps talking about how he’s got twelve children by seven women and how he spends all of his money on caring for them. I try to explain to him that, without withholding, it’s very likely he’s going to owe money. He’s having none of it. ...
The year 2020 will forever stand out in the annals of history due to the COVID-19 virus that spread rampantly, unnerving people around the globe, especially expectant parents. It's not surprising then that a few of them expressed gratitude for the health and safety of their newborns by giv...
Many of us let our dog sleep on the bed, and advice about whether this is a good thing to do is all over the place. A recent study found that at least for women,it's more restful to have a dog in the bedthan another person. The findings reveal that 55% of the women who respon...
Less than 3% of the New York State population has a hunting license. However, among that population,women are the fastest-growing demographic. According to New York Hunting & Trapping, women are drawn to the sport to spend more time with family, to put organic and locally sourced food on ...
The University of Maine women's hockey team is regaining playersafter being ravaged by injuries...Mahoney, Larry
The number of women who are purchasing hunting licenses is going up across the nation. According to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study,it’s the fastest-growing demographic in hunting. In Louisiana, however, the number of women who are purchasing hunting licensees is going down. According...