The magnetic susceptibilities of V (bipy)3(ClO4)2, K3Cr(CN)6, and K2MnCl6have been measured in the temperature range of liquid‐nitrogen to room temperature. The magnetic moments of the ions, V2+, Cr3+, and Mn4+agree, within experimental error, with the spin‐only moment, 3.87 β....
rmwhedertehaasttCher2cGrueCdeaensdtiCmra2tAiolCn exist net magnetic moments and the mag- of the magnetic moment of per Cr atom is iTmTCa(oCu0d0r.fhhrrr0eeo.es29ee5namTmAps μ3tstdhhio0illeenBi/cCaoemnfn0-abafw2tu.cetlt7)03oraaipn,U5(2nefslc0cf3aniT ot=oa1.nun7hcnirμrl...
It is interesting that the saturation magnetization of the samples increased when Cu~(2+) or Cu~(3+) (with 1 or 2μ_B of magnetic moment) substituted for Cr~(2+) or Cr~(3+) (with 4 or 3μ_B). which cannot be obviously explained if the magnetic moments of Cr~(2+) and Cr~...
Structural and magnetic properties of the RCr2Si2C compounds (R=Y, La–Sm, Gd–Er) with the carbon-filled CeMg2Si2-type structure (space group P4/mmm) have been studied by means of powder and single-crystal x-ray diffractions, magnetic measurements, and neutron powder diffraction. The ...
Magnetic Properties of Metals3d, 4d and 5d Elements, Alloys and CompoundsThe magnetic moment distribution in the disordered alloy Fe 0·8Cr 0·2 has been determined from single crystals by using polarized neutrons. As derived from the diffuse scattering cross sections, the localized moments on ...
The detailed results are listed in Table 1, from which we can see the positive MAE for pristine bilayer Cr2Ge2Te6, illustrating that the out-of-plane (\([001]\)) direction is the easy axis for the magnetization. Also, we can see that the spin magnetic moment of Cr increases as the...
摘要: AtomsoftheoxygengroupformdiatomicmoleculeswithamultipletgroundstateOfthese,O2andS2conformtoHund's(b)couplingandhaveanappreciablemagneticmoment,whereasTe2isbetterdescribedashavingcase(c)couplingwithaverysmalleffectivemagneticmomentAlthoughtheSe2moleculeisintermediatebetweenthesetwocases,itisclosertocase(c)thanto...
Ab-initio calculation of effective exchange interactions, spin waves, and Curie temperature in L21- and L12-type local moment ferromagnets We have also included CoPt3 which is a usual ferromagnet. In all compounds due to the large spatial separation (∼4 Å) of the magnetic ... I Galanak...
It appears from the literature that only one moment is given for the Pt atoms of −0.27 μB/atom with +2.33 μB/atom for the Cr atoms. The fact that w2 = w3 is accidental as far as symmetry is concerned: moreover, symmetry does not dictate that Pt on 1c sites should have the ...
If kappa denotes the anomalous magnetic moment of the W-boson and omega its anomalous coupling to the Z sup 0 , values of perpendicular omega perpendicular > 2.5 and perpendicular kappa perpendicular > 1.5 can be ruled out at LEP and SLC rather easily. This will put constraints on composite ...