Great anime? 20 Sally The Witch Photo: Toei Animation Any list about magical girls would be incomplete without the one that launched the genre. Inspired by the American TV show Bewitched, the show follows a witch named Sally who decides to move from the Land of Magic to the human world...
Explore Magical Girls List Magical Girls Chronology Contests Home View source "The Magical Girl Genre paradise!" Are you a fan of the Magical Girl Genre? Are you looking for Magical Girl Shows? Welcome to the Magical Girl - Mahou Shoujo Wiki!
Explore Magical Girls List Magical Girls Chronology Contests Home View source "The Magical Girl Genre paradise!" Are you a fan of the Magical Girl Genre? Are you looking for Magical Girl Shows? Welcome to the Magical Girl - Mahou Shoujo Wiki!
Many early magical girl manga or anime were shojo fantasy series. However, as the magical girl series evolved, some started to cross over into the shonen category.Seinenmagical girls also exist, mostly in the form of deconstructions and parodies. The Best Magical Girl Series List Note: Each a...
14 Magical Girls ListSnezhnaya koroleva (Cartoon)Snezhnaya koroleva General Information Type Russian Cartoon Created by Hans Christian Andersen Years on Air 1957 Movies 1 PlotHans Christian Andersen's story is simplified in this animated feature, which begins with an animated copy of his ...
Magical girls have evolved from a simple character archetype, into something worthy of being its own genre. From heartwarming stories of saving the world, to harsh depictions of realities hardships, they have been used to tell any number of different sto
Whether you’re looking for something good and wholesome where justice prevails thanks to cute girls, or you want a nitty gritty story of the challenges and sacrifices cute girls would face when taking on the responsibility of a magical protector, enjoy our updated top ten magical girl anime!
When the Earth is threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women blessed with powers from a mysterious source rose to defeat them. Now, after three years of apparent peace, the same malevolent creatures have resurfaced. Five magical girls are once again conscri...
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6 Anime 7 Reading Drama 8 External Links 9 Navigation Plot A popular social game known as the Magical Girl Raising Project has the ability to grant players a 1-in-10,000 chance of becoming a real-life Magical Girl. Each of the Magical Girls possesses unique abilities and earns Magical Cand...