Best Mad Honey From Nepal X February 25% off : Feb25 coupon (Valid till 31 Jan) Worldwide shipping via FedEx, DHL and UPS Rare Harvest Mad Honey 220 Grams (7.7 oz) $399.00 Rated5.00out of 5 based on5customer ratings Add to cart...
When it comes to the availability of mad honey, Nepal and Turkey are famous for producing the curious substance. While it's legal to purchase mad honey in the United States, other countries like Australia and South Korea have banned the hallucinogenic honey. Nepalese mad honey can fetch as mu...
Beekeeping practice started a long time ago in Nepal, and nowadays it is gaining momentum as a highly valued and income-generating activity for the local people of the Himalayan region. Five species of honey bees are present in Nepal viz. Apis florea F., Apis cerana F., Apis mellifera L....
Our case details a patient who presented with florid symptomology in all three aforementioned areas.TirthaDepartmentManDepartmentShresthaDepartmentGauravDepartmentNepalDepartmentYowDepartmentKaDepartmentShingDepartmentLaxmiDepartmentWileyClinical Case Reports