[星星][星星][星星][星星],跟第一部比起來少一顆星是因為,我覺得這個跟移動迷宮(The Maze Runner)性質太相似,但這也是我看完移動迷宮後才發現的,由於這2部都有小說,但我本人沒興趣看了電...
Maze_Runner it is a game where the player has to run and to find his path throw the maze. Design description : We used MVC model the model contains of : In the design we assume that each element is a cell except the player and the monsters EX : (wall cell, bomb cell , gift ce...
PREFUSE 73 Reads The Books EP Warp CD PRELUDE Owlcreek Incident Pye LP PRESENCE Soundcheck Curb CD single PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA same Columbia CD PRESLEY, ELVIS You'll Never Walk Alone RCA LP PRESLEY, ELVIS Burnin g Love Pickwick LP ...