Hey there! I’m helping recruit for my guild on Thrall we’re 8/9M Looking for both a hunter and boomkin for our core raiding roster on M Jaina progression. We raid T/W/TH 8:30 - 11:30 PM EST. If you’re interested definitely reach out to me on discord and we can talk some...
- Beast Mastery Hunter: BM Hunter can do all damage while moving, the benefits of this can be to be not be overstated when doing high difficulty or progress content, you bring a solid amount of utility for the group, you have crowd control such as bloodlust and misdirect, extremel...
BM Hunters have seen better days and are struggling to keep up with the other Hunter specs. While they benefit from strong pet damage, recent changes have hurt their overall pressure and survivability. Balance Druid Balance Druids have received buffs to their Hero talents, including ...
Talents: B0PA5ZKiUcehijAKxoiI1CP3g6AgWSAoQAAAAAAAAAAAoBhEaikQCJJoJkWUSSkIEaRSSA This macro contains 1 macro template. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 3.1.69 exportiert. 1 Like Stealthhunter December 10, 2023, 11:30am 2 Beide Talentlinks sind nicht mehr aktuell / both Talentstrings outdated...
BM/MM Hunter (HIGH) Shadow/Disc/Holy Priest (Highest) Warlock (HIGH) Ele Shaman (HIGH) Boomkin (HIGH) Resto shaman (HIGH) All exceptional players will be considered! We don’t have a problem replacing someone if you can out-perform them. Looking for the following; Any exceptional/experien...
the University Nursing Program for Young Scholars with Creative Talents in Heilongjiang Province No.UNPYSCT-2016190 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Nos.2016M600261 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Nos.2018T110317 the Innovative Science Research Project of Harbin Medical University No.2016JCZX37 ...
胖哥龙虾馆影院官网(www.panggelongxia.com),【部分付费在线观看】为您提供2025年03月最新龙虾养殖等, 30万+高清影视,胖哥龙虾馆影院专门为百度、360、搜狗定制播放器,同时对主流的苹果IOS,华为、魅族、努比亚、Vivo等安卓手机系统及品牌做特殊支持,在线流畅的观看高清
Melee DPS:Demon Hunter, Retribution Paladin Contact Information: GM:Kameron#1822 Officers: Pachyderm#1286 (Btag) Loupy#1350 (Btag) Wolffy#1290 (Discord) Discord:The Pachyderm#6698 Brewgoggles<BlameRoll> 354 posts 120 Human Monk22450 Jan 2019 ...
This means that players should have the necessary consumables, correct talents and prior research on whichever fight we happen to be progressing that night. • Players need to be able to adapt to mechanics within a fight with as little of a detriment to their dps or healing as possible. ...
This means that players should have the necessary consumables, correct talents and prior research on whichever fight we happen to be progressing that night. • Players need to be able to adapt to mechanics within a fight with as little of a detriment to their dps or healing as possible. ...