Chapter 1: Can ultrasound determine whether a lymph node is benign or malignant?To determine whether a lymph node is benign or malignant, it's important to first understand what kind of ultrasound description indicates a malignant lymph node: The lymph node is spherical, for example, 3×3 cm ...
Preoperative identification of lymph node metastases is essential to allow for adequate surgical planning by determining extent of initial surgery, thereby optimizing recurrence-free survival outcomes. Postoperatively, surveillance of neck nodes allows for early detection of disease recurrence. Neck sonography...
neckhasamajorimpactondiagnosisand treatmentofavarietyofdiseases. 1 Lymph nodesinthesesitesareinvolvedinlocalandgeneral disordersaswellasinflammatoryprocessesand neoplasms. 2 Manydiseasesareassociatedwithvisi- blelymphadenopathy.Currentlyavailableimaging proceduresplayanimportantroleintheevaluation ...
Lymph nodes in the upper neck, specifically submandibular and upper cervical nodes, tend to be larger. A classification system of lymph nodes has been established to simplify ultrasound evaluation of the neck into eight regions ( Figure 33.3 ). This classification is distinct and does not replace...
Roles of ultrasonography and computed tomography in the surgical management of cervical lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. (2013) H. Zhao et al. Meta-analysis of ultrasound for cervical lymph nodes in papillary thyroid cancer: diagnosis of central and lateral...
thoughTwo-dimensionalultrasound,Dopplerultrasound,enhancedbloodflowimaging ,contrast-enhancedultrasoundhavecertainvaluesinthediagnosisofcervical lymphnodediseases,E-patternsofUltrasonicElastographycanobjectivelyevaluatetissuehardness, promptedtheorganizationofbiologicalcharacteristics.SoCombined ...
Ultrasonography is a well-established, non-invasive imaging modality and belongs to the diagnostic standard procedures in various fields of clinical medicine. In dermatology, medium-frequency sonography (7.5–18 MHz) and high-frequency sonography (20–50 MHz) are used for different purposes and have...
"For most patients with invasive breast cancer, if the axillary ultrasound is negative, we perform a sentinel lymph node biopsy at the time of the breast operation to make sure cancer has not spread. When the preoperative axillary ultrasound shows suspicious lymph nodes, we then do a fine-need...
(HDL) in 48 consecutive patients with PBC and in 43 healthy controls (hc).Methods: In the present study the LN in the liver hilus were evaluated by high resolution ultrasound (Acuson 128, 3.5 MHz) in 48 consecutive patients with PBC (age: 54 +/- 9 years, 5 male, 43 female) and ...
Ultrasound mapping of lymph node and subcutaneous metas- tases in patients with cutaneous melanoma: results of a prospective multicenter study. Dermatology. 2006;212(1):47-52.Blum A, Schmid-Wendtner MH, Mauss-Kiefer V, Eberle JY, Kuchelmeister C, Dill-Muller D. Ultrasound mapping of lymph ...