也就是说: pct set 103 -mp0 /mnt/pve/nfs,mp=/mnt/nfs 这条命令等同于在/etc/pve/lxc/103.conf 中添加一行: mp0: /mnt/pve/nfs,mp=/mnt/nfs 3. 在lxc容器内执行chmod给mp挂载点赋予读写权限 chmod 777 /mnt/nfs 需要注意的是,如果你服务器上硬盘的文件系统是ext4之类,极有可能会遭遇权限问题导致...
Hello guys, i create a mount for my external USB Hard drive, add mapping in the container config file like this: mp0: /home/nextcloud, mp=/home/nextcloud...
将Nas目录挂载到pve宿主机上 安装cifs-utils 包 sudo apt-getinstall cifs-utils 创建备份目录 sudomkdir/shared 运行挂载命令 mount.cifs // /shared / -o user=用户名,pass=密码,vers=2.0 将pve宿主机目录挂载到LXC容器内 pctset100 -mp0 /shared,mp=/shared 重启LXC容器生效。 相关命令 ...
Bind mount points are directories on the host machine mapped into a container using the Proxmox framework. It is not (yet) possible to create bind mounts through the web GUI, you can create them either by usingpctas pct set 100 -mp0 /mnt/bindmounts/shared,mp=/shared ...
pct set 100 -mp0 /mnt/bindmounts/shared,mp=/shared 使用感受 安装完adguard home和pswl后基本占用很低,不像VM模式下都有5%的CPU。 观察稳定运行几天试试,iperf3测试可以跑满千兆。 总结 pve下不管是VM还是CT安装好的openwrt都方便备份和快照,LXC模式在空间设置和资源占用上都更具优势,可以一试,当然如果需...
pctset10080-mp0 /dev/sda1,mp=/mnt/sda1#把 第一个硬盘的第一个分区挂到 lxc的/mnt/sda1 下pct start10080#启动 Copy alpine系统准备 配置alpine的源和时区 12345678910 # 配置源和时区 alpine内运行sed -i's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g'/etc/apk/repositoriesapk add tzdatacp /...
pct set 10081 -mp0 /dev/sda1,mp=/mnt/sda1 Copy 安装docker 特权容器安装docker 需要打开嵌套,并手动修改一下cnf文件 原文索引 :https://dev.leiyanhui.com/pve/lxc-docker-err alist 挂载网盘 支持很多网盘的一个小程序,适合把网盘转webdav。目录列表功能可以加密。 alist具体安装过程掠过,官网文档很全。
mp0: /directory/path/in/host,mp=/directory/mount/in/ct start container and connect to shell and update the ct Code: apt update apt upgrade -y apt install nfs-kernel-server -y --- From there you can setup your nfs exports and user/group permissions per your environment. Reactions: andr...
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. in "docker in pve lxc" enviroment, the redriod container wont start no matter whatever the version is docker ps there is no redriod result how repeat the enviroment how...