The ngx.location.capture and ngx.location.capture_multi directives cannot capture locations that include the add_before_body, add_after_body, auth_request, echo_location, echo_location_async, echo_subrequest, or echo_subrequest_async directives. location /foo { content_by_lua_block { res = ngx...
"INVAL": Invalid argument. "NFILE": File table overflow. "MFILE": Too many open files. "NOTTY": Not a typewriter. "TXTBSY": Text file busy. "FBIG": File too large. "NOSPC": No space left on device. "SPIPE": Illegal seek. "ROFS": Read-only file system. "MLINK": Too many...
分享153 openwrt吧 白衣半阙 /usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:44: attempt to concatenate local '/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:435: Failed to execute cbi dispatcher target for entry '/admin/system/multiUser'.The called action terminated with an exception:/usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:44: attempt ...,可以设置全局error handler C异常 set_exception_handler set_panic,几乎没用 panic可以参见《PIL》,基本是Lua C API内存爆了才会触发 其他 保险起见,C的ctor还是不要产生错误,只做简单初始化数值(目前没有想的很清楚) SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 默认不safe,提升运行时性能 safe API: 使用lua...
// lua_pushstring cannot handle a string contains '\0'. // a string contain '\0' not end of it in C is Invalid, but valid in Lua! lua_pushlstring(L, str); /* push 1st argument */ /* do the call (1 arguments, 1 result) */ ...
luaL_error(L, "cannot open file '%s' (%s)", fname, strerror(errno)); } static int io_open (lua_State *L) { const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r"); LStream *p = newfile(L); const char *md = mode; /* ...
LUALIB_APIintluaopen_package(lua_State *L){/* create new type _LOADLIB *//* create `package' table *//* create `loaders' table */lua_createtable(L,0,sizeof(loaders)/sizeof(loaders[0]) -1);/* fill it with pre-defined loaders */for(i=0; loaders[i] !=NULL; i++) { ...
luaopen_table(L); luaopen_package(L); luaopen_io(L); luaopen_string(L); luaopen_math(L); luaL_openlibs(L);//open all the libs aboveif(luaL_dofile(L, filename)) error(L,"luaL_dofile: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
Multiple Sessions If the process that issued RUI_INIT, RUI_INIT_PRIMARY, or SLI_OPEN then forks to create a child process, the child process cannot issue any LUA verbs on the session started by the parent process; the verbs will fail with return codes LUA_UNSUCCESSFUL and LUA_INVALID_...