# To list all open sockets: lsof -i # To list all listening ports: lsof -Pnl +M -i4 # To find which program is using the port 80: lsof -i TCP:80 # To list all connections to a specific host: lsof -i@ # To list all processes accessing a particular file/directory:...
$ lsof -i :[port] Only output the process ID (PID) $ lsof -t [path/to/file] List files opened by the given user $ lsof -u [username] List files opened by the given command or process $ lsof -c [process_or_command_name] List files opened by a specific process, given its PID...
因此,例如,指定-i@aaa.bbb,-i @ ccc.ddd,-a和-ufff,ggg将选择属于登录''fff''或''ggg''的文件列表。并与主机aaa.bbb或ccc.ddd建立网络连接。 可以在单个前缀之后将选项组合在一起 - 例如,选项集''-a -b -C''可以表示为-abC。 但是,由于值在+ | -f,-F,-g,-i,+ | -L,-o,+ | -r,-s...
every time I try using it I'm so flippn lost that I give up on it. tracking down where I saved a file is pain in the butt on there. anyways a simple thats normal just ignore would suffice or something along those lines. I dont need a reason why it’s doing just need to know ...
.I lsof will run in repeat mode. In repeat mode it will produce output, delay, then repeat the output operation until stopped with an interrupt or quit signal. See the .BI +|\-r " [t[m<fmt>]]" option description for more information. .SH OPTIONS In the absence of any...
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