The treatment and healing advice provided is carefully integrated with your other healthcare strategies for a for a positive outcome. Book an Appointment Acupuncture Acupuncture has been used to manage health for over 2000 ... Read More Chinese Herbs Chinese herbal medicine is one of the ...
Robin Murphy's lecture series. The Lotus Health Institute is dedicated to the highest standards of clinical homeopathy as taught by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) in the 6th Edition of his book "The Organon of Medicine," written in 1810.PodOmaticPodomatic...
treatment plans and professional care in our fertility clinic. The health and well-being of each patient is our focus. We customize the treatment according to your current period, your body status and diagnosis when you come and recieve the treatment according to classic Chinese medicine principles...
Your access point to meet our providers, schedule appointments, arrange consultations. Offering natural remedies for modern ailments.Your health matters. Let us help you bloom!
Lotus Integrative Health and Nursing offers health care with an integrative and functional medicine approach to women’s health, fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, menopause, sexuality, and sexual function. Specializing in functional fertility and
Horn, coauthored the reproductive chapter in one of the top Functional Medicine textbooks: Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (Springer Publications). Wendy also has publications in peer-reviewed medical journals such as Fertility & Sterility, Alternative Therapies in Women’s Health, ...
Thank you for visiting the Lotus Acupuncture Health Clinic. I am a dentist and acupuncturist who is passionate about the Mind, Body, and Spirit fields. Please browse around and see if any of my posts may be useful to you. Please check my other website, which provides reviews on the best...
Chinese medicine has been practiced and refined for more than 5,000 years. Through gentle, safe modalities, it seeks to help bring your body into a state of balance, opening blocked energy channels that are vital for proper health support. ...
Dr. Maria Belluccio is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, and Registered Nurse. She brings to her holistic practice over 25 years of experience in integrative healthcare. Her 18 years in a solo practice incorporated Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as functional nutrition to...
Surgery: Lotus might lower blood sugar levels. There is concern that taking lotus as a medicine might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures. Stop using lotus at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.