An analysis of the housing policies is proposed, the users' opinions of their housing, neighbourhood and urban environment, as a central point. Our starting point is the theoretical perspective of the living space, in particular by the contributions made by Bourdieu, who set o...
¿RECONFIGURANDO LOS ESPACIOS CENTRALES CON EQUIDAD TERRITORIAL? LA NEGOCIACIÓN DE GRANDES PROYECTOS URBANOS Y EL RE-ESCALAMIENTO DE LA REGULACIÓN DEL SUELOThe analysis of the negotiation of partial plans presents a case study of the structure and dynamics of emergent land management practices...
Some have argued that queer spaces occur at the margins of society and constitute a safe haven for LGBT oppressed by the hetero-normative nature of urban areas. Data from a survey of 149 transgendered individuals indicate that although queer spaces provide a measure of protection for gender ...
LA EDUCACIN GEOGRFICA ANTE EL ENFOQUE ECOSOCIAL: EL INTERS DIDCTICO DE LOS ESPACIOS NATURALES PERIURBANOSdoi:10.21138/DG.664ENVIRONMENTAL educationGEOGRAPHY educationFUNCTION spacesFOREST reservesFIELD researchThis contribution explores, within the framework of periurban natural spaces understood as ...