Lords of the Fallen 是一款全新的史詩級角色扮演冒險遊戲,擁有廣闊且相互關聯的世界。 Standard US$29.99US$59.99 Deluxe US$34.99US$69.99 US$29.99 US$59.99 -50% 新增到購物車 啟動地區有中國 特別優惠 贏得五項遊戲獎之一! 訂閱Fanatical 電子報並購買冬季特賣,就有機會贏得五種遊戲獎品之一,其中包括 Steam ...
2人合作+1人入侵=3人联机 === 《Lords of the Fallen》是一款全新的史诗角色扮演游戏,各地相连的广阔世界比起初代游戏大上五倍之多。历经长期的残虐暴政,邪神阿迪尔终于落败。但所谓的神祇……就算殒落也只是一时。千秋万代过去,如今阿迪尔的复活近在眼前。化身为传奇黑暗十字军的一员,踏上穿越生死国度的冒险。
Discover a new campaign in the long-forgotten library, locked away between the human and demonic realms a millennia ago. Uncover the mysteries hidden in the maze’s corridors and lay waste to the undead followers of the fallen god roaming within it.brbr
In the role-playing action game “Lords of the Fallen” by Hexworks, players are tasked with exploring a dark and challenging world. Similar to the iconic Dark Souls series, every step in th...
Interestingly, Lords of the Fallen originally had one Ancient Vestige, but while the Souls-like veterans among its playtesters were happy, others didn’t quite share the enthusiasm. “We kept that original vision, but only for New Game Plus.” There are also some “extra surprises” to disco...
Lords of the Fallen 2023 update 1.1.513 - 1.1.536 (22.2.2024)游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏...
《Lords of the Fallen》豪華版包括:遊戲本體 - 全新黑暗奇幻動作角色扮演遊戲《Lords of the Fallen》的廣闊世界正等著你黑暗十字軍起始職業 - 穿上裝備並踏上史詩級旅程,化身為名聞遐邇的黑暗十字軍,延續忠誠果敢的傳奇黑暗十字軍護甲與武器組 - 黑暗十字軍的標誌性裝備任你使用,包括破壞力強大的伊薩克長劍、...
Lords Of The Fallen - Game of the Year Edition GOTY for Steam - Includes 9 items: Lords Of The Fallen, Monk Decipher DLC, Demonic Weapon Pack DLC, The Foundation Boost DLC, The Arcane Boost DLC, Lion Heart Pack DLC, Ancient Labyrinth DLC...
Lords of the Fallenis a soulslike game with over 60 trophies. Players who want to collect all the trophies will have to invest a great deal of time and effort into it. Some trophies require players todefeat bosses, which is not easy by any means. Others require the completion...