lora_dropout = lambda x: x # --- # 表示当前pretrain部分(self.weight)中是否已经融入了lora部分 # self.merged=True,pretrain部分已包含lora, # 则进行forward是可以直接用pretrain部分 # self.merged=False, pretrain部分未包含lora, # 则进行forward时需要用pretrain+lora的结果 # 【表示合不合这个状态...
下面介绍一些主流的lightweight-fine-tune技术。 0x1:Adapters-tune 首先adapter方法的原理并不复杂,它是通过在原始的预训练模型中的每个transformer block中加入一些参数可训练的模块实现的。 假设原始的预训练模型的参数为ω,加入的adapter参数为υ,在针对不同下游任务进行调整时,只需要将预训练参数固定住,只针对adapte...
作者发现权重归一化(weight normalization)、对权重做重参数化(weight reparameterization)可以帮助模型更快地收敛,于是改进了LoRA,把模型权重分解为幅度和方向两个部分(magnitude and direction),从而实现更高效的PEFT。 与LoRA的区别 LoRA:$$W=W_0+ΔW = W_0 + BA$$ DoRA:$$W = m *(V + ΔV)/norm = ...
In principle, we can apply LoRA to any subset of weight matrices in a neural network to reduce the number of trainable parameters. In the Transformer architecture, there are four weight matrices in the self-attention module (W_{q},W_{k},W_{v},W_{o}) and two in the MLP module. We...
# peft/tuners/bone/layer.py 323-332 result = self.base_layer(x, *args, **kwargs) for active_adapter in self.active_adapters: if active_adapter not in self.bone_block.keys(): continue bone = self.bone_block[active_adapter] r = bone.size(0) if x.size(-1) % r != 0: padding...
not in self.bone_block.keys(): continue bone = self.bone_block[active_adapter] ...