数据显示,检测sars-cov-2和人靶标的loop-de-loop rt-lamp反应不会扩增脱靶核酸。 [0077] 图19示出了来自含有高的沙眼衣原体(ct)(每个反应10,000拷贝当量)和高的淋病奈瑟菌(ng)(每个反应10,000拷贝当量)的样品的loop-de-loop扩增的荧光信号。 [0078] 图20示出了来自阴性对照—仅拭子对照(左侧两个小图)或...
radiation patternside lobeantenna beamDescribes a home-built gadget that can be used to test T1 communication circuits. Tips for designing and using a loopback plug; Diagram illustrating the gadget's design.doi:10.1016/S0140-3664(97)00147-3Kovach, Dick...
Event Demultiplexer Event Demultiplexer 不是真实存在的一个部件,它仅仅是 Reactor Pattern 的一个抽象。在真实环境中,不同的操作系统都会实现自己的 Event demultiplexer 。如 linux上 的 epoll、bsd 系统(macos)上的kqueue、solaris中的event ports、windows中的iocp等。node.js可以通过这些已实现的Event demultiplexer...
command against all child dirs, excluding only the specified directories loop --exclude-pattern 'regexp' - execute a command against all child dirs, excluding directories that match the regular expression loop --init - creates a .looprc in the current working directory examples: loop pwd loop ...
D120386 [LoopInterchange] Try to achieve the most optimal access pattern after interchange (https://reviews.llvm.org/D120386) 这个patch增强了Interchange的能力使编译器能够将循环体permute成为全局最优的循环顺序: `void f(int e[100][100][100], int f[100][100][100]) { ...
de|abc 匹配de或abc mysql> select 'pi' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 1(表示匹配) mysql> select 'axe' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 0(表示不匹配) mysql> select 'apa' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 1(表示匹配) mysql> select 'apa' REGEXP '^(pi|apa)$'; -> 1(表示匹配) ...
The in vivo pattern of binding of RAG1 and RAG2 to antigen receptor loci. Cell 141, 419–431 (2010). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zhang, Y. et al. The fundamental role of chromatin loop extrusion in physiological V(D)J recombination. Nature 573, 600–604 (2019). CAS ...
radiated fields from small circular loop antenna The variation of the radiation pattern with direction is given by radiatin pattern for loop antenna, so that the radiation pattern of a small loop antenna has the same power pattern as that of a short dipole. However, the fields of a small lo...
D120386 [LoopInterchange] Try to achieve the most optimal access pattern after interchange (https:/...
An electrode pattern, usually screen-printed on semi-rigid plastic material, for one-time measurements of a chemical quantity. Dyskinesias Involuntary, erratic, rocking, twisting or writhing movements reflecting high levodopa levels. Electrochemical devices Devices that quantify the concentration of target...