Most State of the Union addresses are remembered for the viral moments that surround them: a congressman in the audience yelling, the House speaker behind the president ripping up the speech. Tonight’s address by President Joe Biden had those, for sure. But it will likely be remembered n...
Governments don’t have a great track record of keeping up with emerging technology. But the complex, rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence raises legal, national security and civil rights concerns that can’t be ignored. The European Union passed a sweeping law that would put guardrail...
Unless you're a spelling bee champion, chances are that you've had to look up how to spell a word at some point. As somebody who writes articles as part of my job, I'm not afraid to admit that there are some words that continue to trip me up!Using...
The tax is odious for that reason alone – in that it means a person will never own their home, no matter how many decades they pay rent and no matter how much they have had to pay over those decades. The sum can easily run to what amounts to 50 percent or even more of the ...