Most State of the Union addresses are remembered for the viral moments that surround them: a congressman in the audience yelling, the House speaker behind the president ripping up the speech. Tonight’s address by President Joe Biden had those, for sure. But it will likely be remembered n...
Hecantelltheworldthegoodpersonyoureallyare. 不能因为你有名且住在丽兹酒店 JustbecauseyourefamousandlivedattheRitz 就该受人攻击 doesntmeanyoushouldhaveatargetonyourback. 人们不知道真hearts;相hearts; Peopledontknowthetruth. 纳粹进入巴黎时你关闭了工作室 HowyouclosedyouratelierwhentheNazismarchedintoParis. ...
“It is unlawful for any person who is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States to purchase or possess a firearm,” Kristina Mastropasqua, a spokesperson for the ATF wrote in an email. “There are limited exceptions to these prohibitions that allow for the possession of a firea...