Logitech MOUSE PAD - Studio Series MIGLIORAIL TUO COMFORT Ottieni un supporto per laptop pieghevole in bambù gratuito con l'acquisto di Lift per Mac insieme a MX Keys Mini per Mac. L'offerta è valida solo su logitech.com fino a esaurimento scorte. ...
Compre mouses sem fio e com fio. Visite a Logitech para encontrar os mouses perfeitos para computador com ou sem fio para aprimorar sua produtividade ou fazer sua criatividade deslanchar.
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Shop G502 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Mouse. Features POWERPLAY wireless charging compatibility, HERO 25k sensor, LIGHTSYNC RGB lighting, PVC free, & more
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Crafted to fit your hand, this comfortable mobile mouse provides the control you need at home, at work or on the go. Description The MX ANYWHERE 2S is the advanced mobile mouse for power users. Harness the power of Logitech Flow and take multi-computer use to a bold new level. Control ...
此款罗技 Performance MX Mouse,国内型号为M950,采用2.4GHz射频传输技术,最大距离10米,独有罗技Darkfield无界激光™技术,几乎可以在包括玻璃桌面在内的任何平滑表面精确定位。使用运用Unifying优联技术的Nano接收器,即插即忘,可添加最多6个可兼容的无线设备。棘速滚轮设计,滚轮支持左、右、下按三种操作。贴合手型的右...
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