#pragma once #include <atomic> #include <memory> template <typename T> class LockFreeStack { public: LockFreeStack(): head_(nullptr) {} ~LockFreeStack() { while (Pop()) { // Do nothing and wait for all elements are poped. } } LockFreeStack(const LockFreeStack& other) = delete;...
3. C/C++11中的lock-free编程 C11以及C++11以后,都开始支持原子类型、原子操作以及内存屏障,下面以C++为例,说明C++11在lock-free方面的支持。 3.1 原子类型及操作 std::atomic <type> var_name; type: the type of variable that can be of any primitive data type such as int, bool, char, etc. ...
早在1994年10月,John D. Valois 在拉斯维加斯的并行和分布系统系统国际大会上的一篇论文—《Implementing Lock-Free Queues》已经研究了无锁队列的实现,有兴趣的可以拜读一下。 实现无锁数据结构的基础是CAS:Compare & Set,或是 Compare & Swap。CAS用C语言描述的代码(来自Wikipedia Compare And Swap) int compar...
早在1994年10月,John D. Valois 在拉斯维加斯的并行和分布系统系统国际大会上的一篇论文—《Implementing Lock-Free Queues》已经研究了无锁队列的实现,有兴趣的可以拜读一下。 实现无锁数据结构的基础是CAS:Compare & Set,或是 Compare & Swap。CAS用C语言描述的代码(来自Wikipedia Compare And Swap) int compar...
C++11 std::atomic方案 网上有人借用std::atomic实现的一套无锁队列,其内部实现参考了boost::lockfree::queue的设计思路,可以适用于多个消费者多个生产者线程。 A High Performance Lock Free Ring Queue http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/754393/A-High-Performance-Lock-Free-Ring-Queue ...
SPSCQueue - A bounded single-producer single-consumer wait-free and lock-free queue written in C++11. Seqlock - Implementation of Seqlock in C++. Userspace RCU - liburcu is a userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. libcds - A C++ library of Concurrent Data Structures. ...
本实现来自论文《Implementing Lock-Free Queues》 使用数组来实现队列是很常见的方法,因为没有内存的分部和释放,一切都会变得简单,实现的思路如下: 1)数组队列应该是一个ring buffer形式的数组(环形数组) 2)数组的元素应该有三个可能的值:HEAD,TAIL,EMPTY(当然,还有实际的数据) ...
class lock_free_queue { static_assert(is_move_constructible<T>::value, "should be a movable type"); public: lock_free_queue(size_t size = 1024) : buffer_(size), buffer_mask_(size - 1), enqueue_pos_(0), dequeue_pos_(0) { ...
Fully thread-safe lock-free queue. Use concurrently from any number of threads. C++11 implementation -- elements are moved (instead of copied) where possible. Templated, obviating the need to deal exclusively with pointers -- memory is managed for you. ...
In short, there was a lock-free queue shaped hole in the C++ open-source universe, and I set out to fill it with the fastest, most complete, and well-tested design and implementation I could. The result ismoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue:-) ...