要解除Excel表格的滚动锁定,我们首先需要检查键盘上是否有“Scroll Lock”键。在大多数键盘上,这个键通常位于“Print Screen”和“Pause/Break”键之间,或者在小键盘区的上方。如果你的键盘上没有这个键,那么你可能需要使用其他方法来解除滚动锁定。三、解除滚动锁定的方法 使用“Scroll Lock”键:如果你的键盘上有...
1. 打开Excel表格并进入“文件”菜单。2. 在文件菜单中,选择“选项”子菜单。3. 在选项窗口中,选择“高级”选项卡。4. 找到“滚动区域”部分并取消选中“启用滚动锁定”复选框。5. 点击“确定”按钮保存更改。通过以上两种方法中的任意一种,你都可以轻松地关闭Excel表格的滚动锁定功能。如果你经常...
If we scroll down, we can see that the top row is frozen. Case 1.2. Lock Several Rows Steps: Select the first cell in the row below the rows we want to freeze. Click the View tab on the ribbon. In the Freeze Panes drop-down menu, choose the Freeze Panes option. The rows will ...
在大部分应用程序中,Scroll Lock键很少被使用。但在某些特定情况下,例如使用远程连接软件时,可能需要开启Scroll Lock功能。因此,当Scroll Lock键亮起时,通常表示在进行特定任务,如远程连接。总的来说,Scroll Lock键的开启和关闭主要区别在于滚动锁定功能的状态以及在特定场景下的使用。除了在Excel中编...
The method for turning off the scroll lock on a Mac is a bit different from a Windows computer. However, learning how to turn off scroll lock in excel on a Mac computer is not difficult. Here are the exact steps you can follow to ensure that you don’t run into problems when using ...
Usually, when the Scroll Lock is disabled, arrow keys move you between individual cells in any direction: up, down, left or right. However, when the Scroll Lock is enabled in Excel, arrow keys scroll the worksheet area: one row up and down or one column to the left or right. When th...
在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。而在Excel软件中仍非常有用,ScrollLock键默认情况下为关闭状态,Excel中选中一个单元格时,按下上下左右键时单元格也会向所按方向移动一格,而ScrollLock键开启状态下,按上下左右键则所选单元格不变,整个表格向所按方向键滚动...
When you enable the Scroll Lock, a notification appears in the status bar at the bottom-left side of the Excel window. If it doesn't appear in the status bar, but you suspect it's toggled on, check to see whether it's on or off by right-clicking the status bar. ...
【Excel技巧】可以用Scroll Lock键+方向键,取代鼠标和滚动条进行查看。【转】 动图 û收藏 3 1 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Excel技巧精选 专注IT领域自媒体微博 Ü 简介: 分享Excel各种操作技巧,筛选、排序、查找替换、分列等快捷操作...
If you suspect that Scroll Lock is turned on, but Scroll Lock does not appear in the Excel status bar, it may be because the status bar is customized to hide the Scroll Lock status. To determine if this is the case, right-click the Excel status bar. Look for the check box to the ...