This is the default flavor. A plain "make " is the same as "make eng ". droid is an alias for eng . •Installs modules tagged with: eng , debug , user , and/or development . •Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified. •Installs APKs according to the product d...
debug: 指该模块只在userdebug版本下才编译(makePRODUCT-XXX-userdebug) eng: 指该模块只在eng版本下才编译(makePRODUCT-XXX-eng,) tests: 指该模块只在tests版本下才编译并且生成(makePRODUCT-XXX-tests,不会生成image和system/app/,在data/app/下生成包含LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS :=tests的apk,不会受the product ...
TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT 变量的值,默认TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng ,这一项指定 编译android时形成的版本风格,一般发布时使用这个值,当然还有user,debuguser等风格值,具体看一下这个链接;a=blob_plain;f=core/build-system.html;h=43bae03b6b7b9cba678b86d2faf4...
eng This is the default flavor. A plain "make" is the same as "make eng". droid is an alias for eng. * Installs modules tagged with: eng, debug, user, and/or development(经验证development只会编译,不会打包到APK). * Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified. * Installs...
* ro.debuggable=1 * ro.kernel.Android.checkjni=1 * adb is enabled by default. user "make user"This is the flavor intended to be the final release bits. * Installs modules tagged with user. * Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified. ...
原因是LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS变量跟TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT 变量息息相关。android系统编译时如果不指定TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT 变量的值,默认TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng ,这一项指定 编译android时形成的版本风格,一般发布时使用这个值,当然还有user,debuguser等风格值。
* user: include this in user/userdebug builds * eng: include this in eng builds * tests: the target is a testing target and makes it available for tests * optional: don't include this" Are these the same as "variants" and if so, which name would affect ...
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS :=user debug eng tests optional user: 指该模块只在user版本下才编译 debug: 批该模块只在userdebug版本下才编译 eng: 指该模块只在eng版本下才编译 tests: 指该模块只在tests版本下才编译 optional:指该模块在所有版本下都编译(但只有在PRODUCT_PACKAGES中定义的模块才会被安装?) ...
* ro.debuggable=1 * adb is enabled by default. Build flavors/types When building for a particular product, it's often useful to have minor variations on what is ultimately the final release build. These are the currently-defined "flavors" or "types" (we need to settle on a real name ...
ro.debuggable=1 adbis enabled by default. user "make user" This is the flavor intended to be the final release bits. Installs modules tagged withuser. Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified. Installs APKs according to the product definition files...