Using a proposed unit load factor method, the limiting temperature at which the frame fails by elastic buckling can be obtained. It is shown that a temperature gradient existing across the cross-section of the members has little effect on the elastic buckling strength of the frame....
1) gradient temperature load 梯度温度荷载2) trapezoid loads 荷载梯度 1. The soil pressure on the pier is simplified as a trapezoid loads. 以重庆梁万路半坡大桥右线为例,对变截面空心桥墩在高填土作用下的受力行为进行了分析,通过指定荷载梯度模拟填土压力,计算结果全面反映了钢筋砼变截面箱形墩的受力...
This oversight becomes particularly significant when the rotor operates at high rotational speeds, as the impact of the local inertia load on the discontinuous rotor becomes a non-negligible factor. The objective of this section is to provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamic influence exerted ...
5f). The initial in vitro durations were longer than in vivo, but the magnitude of adaptation was the same: in vitro the duration increased by a factor of 2.15, and in vivo the factor was 2.09 (from ∼2.2 to ∼4.6 s). These results suggest that factors required for force ...
A load sensor comprises a load detecting element and a temperature compensating element. The load detecting element is made of the material and acting the load thereon. The temperature compensating el
altered under progressive water recycling. This is intentional because that would have introduced a confounding factor; however, additional work needs to target how plume dispersion for individual outfalls will change under realistic conditions, and how this could impact the fate and transport of ...
tfs_z: Set the temperature scaling factor for top frequent samples (default: 1.0). print_output: Enable or disable printing the generated text to the console. cached: Choose whether to use cached generation (default: NO). prefix,suffix: Specify text to prepend and append to the prompt. ...
where fi is the predicted load factor for each test case i. In order to determine the optimal grouping criteria limits for the specific material studied, NBG-18, all the test cases are taken into account and an average error is calculated as (4)RMSaverage=∑i=1NRMSiN where N is the to...
‘overall’ accuracies are given. The temperature effect, which indicates by how much the accuracy changes for a given temperature rise, is an important factor in pressure measurement. Depending on the fill fluid, which is required when the sensor is operating with a diaphragm seal (an ...