This wiki is a fan-oriented website for archival and educational purposes only. Little Einsteins belongs to Disney, The Baby Einstein Company, & Curious Pictures.
动画片“小爱因斯坦 Little Einsteins”和另一部幼教节目“小小爱因斯坦 Baby Einstein”都是迪士尼子公司Baby Einstein Company推出的。虽然以大物理学家的名字命名,但这部动画片的关注点并非只是物理学,还包括音乐、艺术、科学、动物、自然等知识。讲述里欧、安妮、昆斯与琼四个好朋友驾驶的音乐太空船一起探险的故事。
June 10 House of Anubis (2011) Mitchell Zhangazha Quincy 4 Save the Cinema (2022) Elle McHugh Annie 2 Little Einsteins (2005) Gracie Lamb Jennifer 2 The Doodlebops (2004) Leifla Duke Little Girl 1 A Broken Code (2012) Emily Brown Baby Annie 1 The Last Rites ...
Little Einsteins - play free games online without downloading. Enjoy fun online games on our website
天天资源网收录的动画片《Little Einsteins》小爱因斯坦英文版 第一季,全部28集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小150M,资源总大小4.51G,单集播放时长约24分钟,480P标清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。
【小愛因斯坦】(Little Einsteins)是迪士尼頻道2005年10月推出的兒童電視影集,藉由片中四位小小主人翁到世界各地冒險,帶領小朋友認識自然、科學、音樂、藝術…等眾多知識。然而迪士尼其實在推出此一電視影集之前,先於2005年8月發行了一部長篇作品【小愛因斯坦大冒險】(Little Einsteins: Our Huge Adventure,其實片名當中還...
动画片“小爱因斯坦 Little Einsteins”和另一部幼教节目“小小爱因斯坦 Baby Einstein”都是迪士尼子公司Baby Einstein Company推出的。虽然以大物理学家的名字命名,但这部动画片的关注点并非只是物理学,还包括音乐、艺术、科学、动物、自然等知识。讲述里欧、安妮、昆斯与琼四个好朋友驾驶的音乐太空船一起探险的故事。
D.Disney's Little Einsteins E.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz F.Learn About Math With Bert & Ernie 以下是5本儿童书籍的介绍.请将它们与之对应的书籍匹配起来. 1. Based on the new hit animated show airing on the Disney Channel, this new series takes preschoolers ...
Cory is almost 11 now. He is smart, funny and quick. Quick witted that is. Quick to work- not so much. He has a natural way of delegating while he ends up just standing around watching. That may help him some day, but as I tell all my kids, “None of you are Einsteins. You ...
where you’ll meet a freshwater baby seal and much more. Remember, only with your help — singing, dancing, and playing instruments — can the Little Einsteins complete their mission and save the day. Inspired by the music of Igor Stravinsky’s "Firebird" ballet and filled with messages of...