List of compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contents 1 Symphonies 1.1 Childhood symphonies (1764–1771) 1.2 Salzburg-era symphonies (1771–1781) 1.3 Late symphonies (1781–1791) 2 Concertos 2.1 Piano concertos 2.2 Violin concertos 2.3 Horn concertos 2.4 Other concertos 2.4.1 Concertante symphonies...
系统标签: mozart symphony concerto major piano amadeus ListofcompositionsbyWolfgangAmadeusMozartContents1Symphonies1.1Childhoodsymphonies(1764–1771)1.2Salzburg-erasymphonies(1771–1781)1.3Latesymphonies(1781–1791)2Concertos2.1Pianoconcertos2.2Violinconcertos2.3Hornconcertos2.4Otherconcertos2.4.1Concertantesymphonies3Pi...
of this doctrine ofpapal primacyis the place of St.Peterin theNew Testament(in which there are variousmetaphorsexpressing his prerogatives) and the place of the Roman church in history. The understanding of papal primacy developed as the church developed, two notable factors being the role of...