October 20, 2023 The opposite of failure?October 19, 2023 “What’s the quickest way to get one or two design clients to shore up my cash flow?” and more…October 18, 2023 (Dis) Incentives of “All You Can Eat” Subscription Services?
Cole McKenna can handle the deep-sea dives and helping the police recover evidence. He can even handle the fact that a murderer has settled in his town and doesn’t appear to be moving on. But dealing with the reality of Bailey’s reappearance is a tougher challenge. She broke his heart...
Genres:Children's and Short Story The Youth Writing Contest is an annual event organized by the Vancouver Writers Fest for students in British Columbia. It accepts short stories and personal essays, with two categories for different grade levels. It's supported by the Emily Carr University of Ar...
Joe Rogan told Ryan Holiday (JRE #1836/@59:34) that he was in the middle of readingAmusing Ourselves To Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Businesby Neal Postman. Rogan started reading the book after Neal Brennan’s recommendation inJRE #1823. Postman was an author, writer, profe...
CHILDREN’S, COMEDY, AUDIO BOOKS, VISUAL MEDIA AND MUSIC VIDEO/FILM FIELD BEST CHILDREN’S MUSIC ALBUM“Ahhhhh!,” Andrew & Polly“Ancestars,” Pierce Freelon and Nnenna Freelon“Hip Hope for Kids!,” DJ Willy Wow!“Taste the Sky,” Uncle Jumbo X–“We Grow Together Preschool Songs,” ...
The children are missing! They seem to have secretly slipped off to the jungle. They don't know its dangers! We must get them back here to safety!" "Mario, could I ask you to look for these lost children? As you can see, the Yoshis of my village are panicking. They aren't ...
In my humble opinion, The Christy Award is the Olympics of Christian Fiction and the titles below are all on the podium! Tagged Amanda Barratt, Amanda Dykes, Amanda Wen, Amir Tsarfati, Bethany House, Christian, Cindy Woodsmall, Elizabeth Goddard, Elizabeth Musser, Emily Conrad, Enclave ...
Genres: Children's The contest invites children to submit original art related to a camp theme. It emphasizes creativity and originality, encouraging participants to depict their ideal camping experiences. Additional prizes: Winning entries will be published in the November/December 2024 issue of Cr...
Augusta: Medical Care Development and Maine Children’s Cabinet 1997 The Anomalist 5. San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1997. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Backscatter: Reply to Letters on ‘De Loy’s Photograph: A Tool of Racism’” by Loren Coleman and Michel Raynal.) 1996 Contemporary Legend:...
There are 20 new books in this recommendation. We recommend them through five categories. Let's take a look at some of them! 上一期的盲盒答案在本推文末尾 The answer to the blind box(last post) is at the end of this post ① Academic an...