0.0 st -- 实时,is meaning of "steal time",linux在top中打印中有st显示项,这一显示项单位为百分比,它的值表明你的系统花了百分之多少等待得到真正的cpu资源。在正常情况下在云平台下st最好为0,这表明你的vm得到了所有必要的cpu资源。如果这个值为50,表明你vm需要cpu时有一半时间在等待。如果这个值为100%,...
w w指令提供了uptime指令提供的所有功能,还提供了当前登录用户的详细信息,包括登录用户数量和登录终端信息,适用于查看当前系统的用户情况。 mount 显示挂载的文件系统列表 mount -t ext4 -t参数用于指定文件系统类型,ext4是一个常见的Linux文件系统类型。 df 显示磁盘空间的使用情况。查看文件系统使用情况的命令 df - ...
Also,Ubuntuhas the plus of being based onDebianand is a very popular distribution among new users – which is maybe the reason for its sustained growth over time. Although not taken into consideration in this ranking,Ubuntuis the base for other distributions of the Canonical family such asKubun...
The components are arranged in groups that form network layers, which stack on top of each other in order to form a complete system. The Linux kernel handles networking in a similar way to the SCSI subsystem described in Chapter 3. 计算机通过使用一系列组件来回答这些问题,每个组件负责发送、接收...
USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND USER: 进程所有者 PID: 进程ID %CPU: 占用的CPU 使用率 %MEM: 占用的内存使用率 VSZ: 占用的虚拟内存大小 RSS: 占用的内存大小 TTY: 终端的次要装置号码(minor device number of tty) ...
In this case, the P: at the top is the sysfs device path, the N: is the device node (that is, the name given to the /dev file), S: indicates a symbolic link to the device node that udevd placed in /dev according to its rules, and E: is additional device information extracted ...
} static int pcf8563_rtc_set_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *tm) { struct pcf8563 *pcf8563 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); unsigned char buf[9]; dev_dbg(dev, "%s: secs=%d, mins=%d, hours=%d, " "mday=%d, mon=%d, year=%d, wday=%d\n", __func__, tm->tm_sec, tm->...
一直以来,我都知道top、vmstat、mpstat中有一个叫wa(%iowait)的cpu指标,但对它表示的具体含义又不是很清楚,故专门去网上学习了一下。 iowait在man中的介绍# man文档是学习命令的第一手资料,先来看看man文档中的介绍,如下: $ man top wa, IO-wait : time waiting for I/O completion. ...
(precompiled software that is bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine) - all of it free. It's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top ...
Linux 著名的sudo、su是什么?怎么用? 唐青枫阅读1.2k 读鸿蒙论文,看性能优化 泊浮目阅读752 0条评论 得票最新 评论支持部分 Markdown 语法:**粗体** _斜体_ [链接](http://example.com) `代码` - 列表 > 引用。你还可以使用@来通知其他用户。