┌───────────────┤ Perform MOK manegement ├─────────── │ │ Continue boot │ Enroll MOK │ Enroll key forom disk │ Enroll hash from disk 「Continue boot」が選ばれている状態です: もし、「セキュアブート」を使いたい場合は、「Enroll MOK」で「MOK の...
Note: Ubuntu 20.4.1 installs just fine. But Linux Mint 20 won't. The screen does not show the "Enroll MOK Keys" option. But it does with Ubuntu. I really badly need to get Linux Mint back on my laptop. Any pointers would be great. ...
This posthas an image of an "Enroll MOK" text window for Secure Boot that came up on an Acer desktop. There are many different ways a computer may handle Secure Boot, so I can not tell you exactly what will happen on your computer. ...
To use the mini-USB image, you have to enroll the hashes for loader.efi (in the \EFI\BOOT directory; actually gummiboot) as well as shell.efi (in the top level directory). It also includes a copy of KeyTool.efi which you have to enrol the hash of to run as well. What Happened ...