Android: 手机装置的设定-应用程式-LINE-清除快取(注:Android手机型号较多,这里的方法仅作参考) 6. 善用Keep LINE 内建的 Keep 这个”免费的1GB 云端空间“,存在Keep 的内容除了档案超过50MB 可存放30 天,其他多数档案都可以”永久储存“。而且Keep 在手机、电脑都可酷装置使用,方便随时在不同装置上取用。大家...
ログイン 1. PC としログインする Warning こ方法は利用できません 方法を確認 PC (Windows 版 LINE に偽装します。これにより 版 LINE は強制ログアウトされますが、使えない機能がある PC 版 LINE を Android 版 LINE に移すことができます。 ※片方のデイスが iOS の場合、...
When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the ...
打开NE日志开个 系统种任何异常奔溃都会生成db文件在data/aee_exp目录下生成db文件然后通过gat工具查看奔溃的pc地址 根据addr2line定位代码 ./prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/bin/x86_64-linux-android-addr2line-e./out/target/product ...
A simple Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- and piecharts as well as scaling and dragging. - GitHub - keeplive/MPAndroidChart: A simple Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- and piecharts as well as sc
Recently researchers went through some survey information about the health and habits of men and women in Scotland, (1)___(hope) to determine how much exercise is needed to keep the Scots (2)___feeling depressed. The answer: a mere 20 minutes a week of any physical...
LINE Keep 容量不足時,因爲 LINE 未提供增加 LINE Keep 容量的方案,所以建議您下載或備份 LINE Keep 檔案和資料後,進行 LINE Keep 儲存空間清理,使用多筆資料刪除的方法清空儲存空間後,重新獲取 1 GB 的LINE Keep 容量。 在這裡,建議您使用LINE 免費備份工具 iTransor for LINE將 iPhone/Android LINE 資料先行...