Linda fair.Nov 28, 2013 - Dec 1, 2013.Venue(s):Rockbund.Artist(s):Rearngsak Boonyavanishkul,Cai Lei,Cai Zhisong,Chen Shuzhong,Chen Liu,Deng Xinli,Guo Jin,Jiang Shuo,Li Zhanyang,Basuki Prahoro,Astari Rasjid,S.P. Hidayat,Srihadi Soedarso
I’m not talking here about the simple conversion of HTML to PDF. (I’ve tried several tools of that type, but none of them has fully satisfied me.) My goal is to have complete control over the positioning and size of elements, page breaks and so on. In the past I’ve often used...
立即下载 上传者: huanghm88 时间: 2024-11-15 (源码)基于XilinxFPGA加速的面部评分系统.zip # 基于Xilinx FPGA加速的面部评分系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Xilinx FPGA加速的面部识别和评分系统,名为FaceScore。该项目在国际夏季学校中作为案例研究完成,旨在展示如何在嵌入式系统中高效部署深度学习应用。通...
I appreciate helpful comments and suggestions from Shawn Huang, James Myers, Linda Myers, and Juan Manuel Sanchez.Stuart, Michael D