Hay N/A rabbit anti–b-gal Invitrogen Cat# A-5790; RRID: AB_2536194 anti-Myc Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# SC-40; RRID: AB_627268 donkey anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to Cy3 Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat# 715-165-150; 711-165-152; RRID:2340813, RRID:2307443 anti–γ-H2AX ...
im into something goo im just a little girl im just a little over im just browsinglooki im just calling to sa im just glad i could im just gonna im letting them in im like you i need th im living off the gov im living im losing my faith in im loving living ever im mo ving on...
Furthermore, the selective degradation of vHipp perineuronal nets, which is the support structure of PV interneurons, is sufficient to produce a schizophrenia- like phenotype comparable to that seen in the MAM model (Shah and Lodge, 2013). Similarly, a loss of vHipp PV expression itself ...
Schmidt, H.A.; Strimmer, K.; Vingron, M.; von Haeseler, A. Tree-puzzle: Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis using quartets and parallel computing. Bioinformatics 2002, 18, 502–504. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 41. Hasegawa, M.; Kishino, H.; Yano, T.A. Dating of the human ape ...
The germin family belongs to the functionally diverse cupin superfamily, and generally codes two exons, and contains a "cupin" (PF00190) at its C-terminus [4]. It is a challenging work to classify germins and GLPs, due to their high conserved sequence and the similarity of structural ...