dim light,light candle,come light,light shine,light lamp adv.+v. light travel light 显示所有例句 n. 太阳;灯from sun/lamps 1. [u] 光;光线;光亮the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things 2. [c] ...
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该文章以“A wideband, high-resolution vector spectrum analyzer for integrated photonics” 为题发表在国际光学顶级期刊Light: Science & Applications上。深圳国际量子研究院罗弋涵博士后及中国科大联合培养博士生石宝奇为该论文的第一作者,深圳国...
相关成果以“ Pancharatnam–Berry phase reversal via opposite-chirality-coexisted superstructures”为题发表在 Light: Science & Applications。 对电磁波的频率/波长、振幅、相位、偏振、横向分布等维度的按需调控,是当代信息光电子技术的物理基础。传统元件依赖于光在特定折射率介质中传播所累积的光程差,往往需要弯曲表...
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Light: Advanced Manufacturing is a sister research journal of Light: Science & Applications. The aim for Light: Advanced Manufacturing is to be a journal that publishes the high quality, important papers.