Dorsey (2012): "Limited Life Expectancy, Human Capital and Health Investments: Evidence from Huntington Disease," forthcoming in American Economic Review.Oster, E., Shoulson, I., and Dorsey, R. (2012). Limited life expectancy, human capital and health invest- ments: Evidence from Huntington ...
A common measurement of the impact of the disease is quality of life, often framed within the context of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) or disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [8]. Both measures combine the quality of life and duration lived in that state: the QALY is a measure o...
Ray Dorsey "Limited life expectancy, human capital and health investments: evidence from Huntington disease" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. No. w17931.Oster, E., I. Shoulson and R. Dorsey 2013. Limited life expectancy, human capital and health investments. American ...