Lichen sclerosus et atrophicusis the final lesion to differentiate from oral lichen planus. Extremely rare in the mouth, this typically genital mucositis may be clinically indistinguishable from oral lichen planus. The epithelium is uniformly atrophic, often extremely so, and only a thin layer of su...
The association of lichen sclerosus and erosive lichen planus of the vulva with autoimmune disease: a case-control study Arch. Dermatol., 144 (2008), pp. 1432-1435 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [6] H. Husein-ElAhmed, U. Gieler, M. Steinhoff Lichen planus: a comprehensive evidence-based an...
and narrowing of theintroitus, ending in effacement of the normalanatomyof thevulva. The erosive lesions can affect the vagina and produce shortening or narrowing of this region. Erosive lichen planus is often indistinguishable from other erosive orbullous diseasessuch as cicatricialpemphigoidandpemphigus...