I am using git-lfs for pdf files (git lfs track "*.pdf") that are keep edited and changed. Afterwards,I observe that Git-Repository size remain same and after each commit LFS size increases as the exact size of the changed pdf file inste...
Hello, I am a beginner in learning computer algorithms. I downloaded a public model from GitHub, and I suspect that the model's data might be stored in LFS because the .csv file in the data folder contains only three lines of content. Th...
attempted some basic debugging inside blender itself to see if its possible something in the .blend file is causing an issue with git however I have failed to find any relevant information on that and have not encountered a problem like this before where lfs changes the alleged file size durin...
to suppress LFSifying a file regardless of its length. Thepre-commithook could check for the presence of this attribute as part of its decision whether to veto a commit based on a blob that is over the usual size threshold. For that matter, you could allow size thresholds to be set (e...